SPC Minutes January 2018
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair) Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, MrAJackson, Mr R Green, MrsA Roberts. Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Teleohone.0l476 552110 Email: swayfiedpc@tiscaly.co.uk
Open Forum No members of the public were present. Start of Meeting: 7:04pm Councillors present: Mr Frere Cook, Mr Metcalfe, Mr Green, Mrs Bradley, Mrs Geeson, Mrs Roberts.
Cllrs Bob Adams and Nick Robins were also in attendance.
1.0 Apologies for absence. Mr Jackson had submitted his apologies, which were accepted.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. Mrs Bradley expressed a potential interest in item 6.0
3.0 Notes of the previous meeting. These were approved as the Minutes, prop. Mr Metcalfe, sec. Mrs Geeson, and unanimously resolved
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports The Chairman invited the District and County Councillors to speak first. Among Mr Robins' several items were: exploration of SKDC sharing some roles with Rutland, such as Planning Officer; news of plans to build new leisure centres in Market Deeping and Stamford which will supplement or replace existing buildings; an outline of the pilot scheme to collect household food waste separately from other black bin waste; SKDC will provide more charging points for electric cars, and in the long term replace their current vehicle fleet with electric models; following negative responses to proposals to raise car parking charges throughout the district, it had been decided not to do so, but instead install improved collection equipment (eg automatic barriers) which would/should raise the necessary additional budgetary amounts; RAF 100 - the centenary of the founding of the RAF falls on April 1st, and there are many celebratory events planned up to Armistice Day in November. Mrs Geeson asked about restrictions on in-fill development in Swayfield, and Cllr Robins readily agreed to look into and clarify the policy.
Cllr Adams mentioned in particular a drive by I-CC (at the request of Central Government, prompted by the Grenfell Tower disaster) to establish a network for emergency planning, and would Swayfield be prepared to join in a group of 4 or 5 villages to receive advice. There was some scepticism as to the likelihood of this being relevant to Swayfield, but we would contact I-ALC to see whether there is an existing cluster we could join. Finally, he mentioned Community Speed Watch, but the Council had already discussed this on a previous occasion, and decided not to pursue it
4. 1: Highways It was decided not to move the grit bin by the railway bridge, since it seemed in practice to be in a useful position. Fresh concern was expressed at the refusal of I-CC to consider gritting Corby Road. In the light of it being a school bus route, Cllr Adams said he would check that there really was no possibility of arranging this. The Council noted I-CC's response to the request to move 30mph signs further out, namely the complete lack of funds to do so. 4.2 Defibrillator. Mrs Bradley thought that there were no issues. 43 Community Events. It was unanimously resolved to arrange for the village beacon to be lit at 7:30pm on November 11th. Mrs Roberts asked if there was a plan to organise a Lunch during the year. The Council will discuss this further at the next meeting in March 4.4 Phone kiosk. Newspaper distribution: the suppliers are debating whether there is a sufficient number of customers to make this worthwhile, and will let us know in due course. 45 CallConnect. Mrs Geeson reported that the service had experienced some glitches with respect to timings and capacity, but CallConnect had readily admitted fault on these (rare) occasions. Things had not been helped by errors on the part of whoever plans dates for Stamford farmers' market. 4.6 Recreation Ground Moles: the pest controller had visited, and it was hoped that the problem was solved at least pro tern. Collapsed wall: We now have an address for the owner of the wall, and the Clerk was asked to write to require its restoration. Children's Play Equipment: Mrs Roberts had obtained a variety of costings for swings. There was some discussion as to whether we should approach SKDC or WREN either or both of whom might well provide a substantial grant. It was resolved: to appoint a Committee (Mrs
Roberts, Mrs Bradley and Mr Jackson) to investigate funding and style of equipment, and to report back to the next meeting. It was further resolved (prop D Metcalfe, sec S Frere Cook, carried nem con): that the Council would apply its own funds from reserves to cover 20% of the final cost, to a ceiling of £1000. This work to include replacing the bark chips currently around the slide equipment with grass "tiles".
5.0 Financial Matters. 5. 1 The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. Its acceptance was proposed by Mrs Geeson, seconded by Mr Metcalfe, and signed by the Chairman. 5.2 There was one cheque for signing: £70 for the pest controller's services. 5.3 Promulgation of Grants Policy. It was agreed to circularise likely applicants - Church, Village Hall Clubs, Bowls Club etc, as well as place on the noticeboard and website.
6.0 Grass Cutting. Following discussion, it was resolved to make do with the twice-yearly LCC cutting of verges.
7.0 Pending need to appoint a Data Protection Officer. The Clerk suggested we wait and see, in the expectation that LALC or NALC would provide advice. Cllr Adams confirmed this, saying that he fully expected small Councils to be exempted once the government realised the futility of requiring organisations such as Swayfield PC to spend substantial sums on services we hardly need-
8.0 Planning applications None pending
9.0 Visit of Diane Hansen from SW Lincs Clinical Commissioning Group. It was agreed that we would invite her tospeak at the next meeting.
9.0 Correspondence. Mainly previously circulated.
10.0 Items of urgency for discussion None
Date of next meeting Tuesday 27th March 2018.
The meeting closed at 8:24 parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield/