SPC Minutes November 2017
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Open Forum Members of the public present: 2 (one of whom shortly became co-opted to the Council). Cllr Bob
Adams was also in attendance. The possibility of a visit to the local recycling plant was raised. Clerk to follow up.
Start of Meeting: 7 pm
Councillors present:, Mr D Metcalfe (taking the Chair), Mrs S Bradley, Mr R Green, Mrs J Geesonj MrA Jackson. Mr J S Williams (Clerk)
1.0 Apologies for absence. Mr Frere Cook had submitted his apologies, which were accepted
2.0 Co-option of a new Councillor. The only candidate was Mrs Amy Roberts, who was duly co-opted by a unanimous vote. The acting Chairman welcomed her to the Council
3.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None
4.0 Notes of the previous meeting. These were approved as the Minutes, prop. Mrs Geeson, sec. Mr Jackson, and unanimously resolved.
5.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports
5.1: Highways The Chairman, Mrs Bradley, Cllr Adams and the Clerk had met Mr Rowan Smith of I-CC Roads and Highways on Nov 15th to walk round the village and inspect various problems. The Clerk reported that the group had felt very encouraged by Mr Smith's visit, despite his warnings that budget cuts had more than halved the department, as well as removing his personal discretionary budget. He took many photographs and, while making no promises, assured us that these areas of concern would be considered for further action. He gave us helpful advice on changing the positioning of speed limit signage on roads into the village, and the relocation of an I-CC grit bin. Councillors agreed to investigate the desirability of the latter for the next meeting, and the Clerk was asked to liaise with I-CC with a view to starting the former. 5.2 Defibrillator. Mrs Bradley thought that there were no issues. 5.3 Community Events. None forthcoming. 5.4 Phone kiosk Book exchange going well. with a need for some extra shelving. A corkboard for notices was deemed desirable and it was resolved to allocate £10 to the purchase of one. The newspaper distribution possibility was raised: Mrs Roberts said that a minimum of 12 customers was needed, paying 20p per day per item. It was thought that there were not yet this number stating a commitment. It was agreed that Councillors would further publicise this potential facility at various village events. Mr Jackson and Mrs Roberts were thanked for the fine repainting job on the kiosk.5.5 CallConnect. Mrs Geeson reported that the service continued to be successful, with 12 passengers on one occasion. It was agreed that this item would no longer appear on agendas as a standing item. 5.6 Recreation Ground Moles: the pest controller previously hired had been asked to visit once again, and would shortly report back on his success or otherwise. It was suggested that this might be a war we could not win. Collapsed wall: Cllr Green has been following this up. We still do not know the ownership of the wall, but Councillors were strongly of the opinion that it was not the Parish
Council's. It was resolved to write to the presumed owner asking that restoration be urgently set in hand. Fence on
High Street: This was expected to be a significant future cost to the PC but at present was sound. Children's Play Equipment: Some repainting was desirable, and Mrs Roberts with Cllr Jackson would use some of the left-over paint from the kiosk to spruce things up. There is a need to clean up some unhygienic areas around the slide, and it was agreed to discuss the provision of alternative ground cover. Swings: Mrs Roberts had obtained some quotes for various possibilities, but unfortunately these were not available to the meeting. However, it was agreed that the Council should not bear the whole cost itself (assuming that we resolve to do this), but that grants/joint funding would be sought from appropriate bodies. Mrs Roberts to email relevant details to the Clerk.
6.0 Financial Matters. 6, 1 The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. This was signed by the Chairman. 6.2 There were two cheques for signing: Clerk's PAYE (£32.40); reimbursement of Mr Jackson for items obtained (dog poo bags, kiosk paint).
Before considering item 6.3 it was agreed to take item 7.0 first as it impinged directly on 6.3 and 6.4.
7.0 Grants Policy. The Chairman had adapted an existing example of good practice and this draft policy had been previously circulated. Its adoption was proposed by Mr Green, seconded by Mrs Roberts and resolved unanimously.
6.3 There followed a discussion as to the balance between the need to fund the predictable running costs of the Council, the expectation of applications for grants in the future, and the various calls on us for larger capital projects or one-off maintenance costs, all in relation to our reserves. 6.4 Following this discussion, it was resolved to apply for a minimal increase in the precept to cover the reduction in the grant (£20), so that the overall total income for next year would be the same as 2017-18, i.e., £2951-
8.0 Planning Applications. None recently notified. Permission for 45 Overgate Road received on the day of the meeting.
9.0 Correspondence. Mainly previously circulated-
10.0 Items of urgency for discussion None
Date of next meeting Tuesday 30th January 2018.
The meeting closed at 8:05 parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield/