SPC Minutes September 2017
Cllrs: Mr S Frere-Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair) Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, MrA Jackson, Mr R Green Clerk: Mr J.S.WiIIiams.
Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk
Open Forum Members of the public present: 2. Cllr Bob Adams was also in attendance. Two parish concerns were expressed. Parking. Sometimes it would be impossible for the emergency services (or any large vehicle) to pass the High Street because of cars parked on opposite sides. This was thought to be a matter for the police, and the Clerk would contact the PCSO to discuss. A similar problem affected Corby road with the pavement sometimes impassable for someone with a pushchair. Second, a hole (caused by a woodpecker) in a streetlight pole was reported. Clerk to alert SKDC. A third matter related to the Village Hall lights not being switched off on occasion.
Start of Meeting: 7.15pm
Councillors present:, Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe, Mrs S Bradley, Mr R Green, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson. County Councillor Mr B Adams. Mr J S Williams (Clerk)
1.0 Apologies for absence. There were no absences.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. Mrs Bradley exressed an interest in Item 5.0 (Recreation Ground maintenance).
3.0 Notes of the previous meeting, These were approved as the Minutes, prop. Mr Metcalfe, sec. Mrs Geeson, and unanimously resolved.
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports
4. 1: Highways The Clerk had circulated an email from SKDC's man responsible for liaison with local councils. This stated a willingness to meet Councillors, with Mr Adams in attendance, to look at issues of concern, not including minor issues such as potholes which could now be notified direct to I-CC. Councillors asked the Clerk to organise a meeting on any acceptable date. Potholes on Woolley's Lane were mentioned as needing reporting, as well as flooding on High Street, and deterioration of the road surface east of the railway bridge. 4.2 Defibrillator. Mrs Bradley had conferred with Mr Stanley and there were no issues. 4.3 Community Events. None forthcoming. 4.4 Phone kiosk. Awaiting painting. Mrs Roberts invited to comment on newspaper deposit point idea. She said that only 6 people had contacted her, but Mrs Geeson felt sure there were many more who would take advantage if it was introduced. 4.5 CallConnect. Mrs Geeson reported that so far all seemed to be as required, though she had requested a couple of tweaks. It was noted that some parishioners without bus passes found the price very high 5.0 Recreation Ground 5.1 Weed control: Clerk to contact Mr Bradley to discuss further. Mole damage was again evident. Clerk to contact pest controller to evaluate. 5.2 ROSPA Inspection. The Report had been circulated. It drew attention to a number of issues, all of which were at the lowest end of its medium risk scale (monitor and take action if resources permit and action is thought necessary). Costings had been obtained for dealing with two minor issues, but the cost was felt to be well in excess of any plausible harm avoided. It was resolved (prop Mr Metcalfe, sec Mrs Geeson, and unanimously carried) to monitor only. The wood chippings cushioning would be improved by redistribution, and the position reviewed in the spring
There was a question as to responsibility for the drystone wall on the western boundary, part of which had collapsed. We were awaiting information from the owner of The Barn
6.0 Annual Audit. The Clerk reported that the auditors required that Section 2 (financial figures) should in future be entered by the RFO (i.e. the Clerk) and not by the Internal Auditor.
7.0 . Financial Matters.
1 The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. This was signed by the
Chairman 7.2 There were several cheques for signing: Clerk's PAYE (£32.40); ROSPA report (£79.80); Recreation Ground maintenance (£330, including reclaimable VAT of £55); Beacon Refurbishment (£240, inc reclaimable VAT of £40). 7.3 The Clerk had circulated a brief note regarding the draft budget which would form the basis for our precept submission. There was considerable discussion as to the scope of our reserves, and possible future claims on them or on the precept. These included repair/replacement of the Rec Ground entrance gates on the High St, more play equipment, such as swings, services to the elderly, support for the bowling club, footpath gates, a light on Church Lane, etc. Councillors were variously tasked to estimate costs with a view to more concrete discussion at the November Meeting.
7.4 The PCC had informally expressed interest in applying for funding for specific items. The Clerk reported that maintenance of the gate out of the churchyard on to the footpath was theoretically the responsibility of the landowner, who could apply to I-CC for a grant towards costs. It was agreed that the PCC should be urged to look first to this potential source, after which the PC might consider a request for further help. The Clerk also circulated a legal opinion on the validity of offering a grant for churchyard maintenance. Very many councils do this, and so practice at least seemed to validate theory- It was agreed to present the PCC with a grant request form which would be considered at the next meeting. He also pointed out that we appear to have no Grants Policy, and would present one for ratification in November.
8.0 Planning Applications. None recently notified.
9.0 Correspondence. This was brought to the Council's attention and circulated to members. It included a letter from Mrs Roberts which stated a willingness to be co-opted on to the Council.
10.0 Items of urgency for discussion None The m eting closed at 8:25
Date of next meeting Tuesday 28th November 2017.arishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield/