SPC Minutes July 2017
Cllrs: Mr S Frere-C00k, Mrs S Bradley, Mr C McKenny, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mr D Metcalfe
Open Forum Members of the public present: 9 (falling to 1 after the Forum). There were two concerns expressed during the session: first, the withdrawal of the Christchurch Community Bus service, following the impending loss of I-CC's grant, and the extension of the CallConnect service to Stamford. Second, the worsening potholes in Corby Road by The Crescent. These were extensively discussed and the Council took note of views expressed. Start of Meeting: 7.39pm
Councillors present:, Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr C McKenny, Mr D Metcalfe, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson County Councillor Mr B Adams. Mr J S Williams (Clerk).
1.0 Apologies for absence. Mrs Bradley had sent her apologies. The Chairman took the opportunity to bring to Councillors' attention two formal aspects of meetings, namely the legal summons calling members to the meeting, and the need to provide acceptable reasons for absence. At his request, the Clerk spoke on acceptable and unsatisfactory reasons for absence.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
3.0 Notes of the previous meeting. These were approved as the Minutes, prop. Mr Metcalfe, sec. Mr McKenny, and unanimously resolved
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports
1: Highways Following the promised reinstatement of the previous arrangements for identifying the need for repairs, the Clerk would seek to arrange a formal walkabout with the manager from SKDC when his or her name was known, ideally before the next meeting (Sept 26th)
Defibrillator. Mrs Bradley had reported by email that she thought there were no issues, but would check with Mr J Stanley.
Community Events. Mr Jackson thought there were none forthcoming. It was noted that the beacon would be re-erected in the near future,
Phone kiosk The Council agreed to establish a book exchange, a noticeboard for local traders, and potentially a deposit point for daily newspaper deliveries. The Chairman was willing to put up shelves, etc. It was resolved (prop Mr Frere Cook, sec. Mrs J Geeson, passed unanimously) to allocate £100 to the costs of these furnishings, and the repainting of the kiosk in the appropriate shade of red. Cllr Jackson to mastermind the repainting
5.0 Recreation Ground
1 Pest control: The Council decided not to engage the services of a pest controller but to repair visible damage using topsoil 5.2 Wording of Notices. Despite prominent siting of notices stressing penalties for dog fouling, it was noted that this menace persists. It was resolved (prop Mr McKenny, sec Mr Frere Cook, unanimously passed) to allocate £20 to buy appropriate bags which would be available at each gate to the Ground
5.3 Weed control. This had not happened. Clerk to contact Mr T Bradley to enquire about spraying at the end of autumn. 5.4 ROSPA Inspection. The Clerk had been informed that this would happen on a day in August, as usual.
6.0 Community Bus/CallConnect Services. Mrs Geeson had prepared a detailed and comprehensive report, read out at the Open Forum. I-CC could not be dissuaded from withdrawing their subsidy to Christchurch, and this service would end on Sept 1 st Instead, we had secured a block booking with CallConnect to Stamford on farmers' market days from that date (and the village had been leafleted on the new service). A 16-seater bus was promised since often there were more than 8 parishioners wishing to go. This arrangement would be monitored and if it proved unsatisfactory the Council WOuId discuss the issue again
7.0 Annual Audit. The Clerk reported that there had been some minor queries from the external auditors.
8.0 Financial Matters.
8. 1 The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. This was signed by the
Chairman. He also mentioned that there was a dispute ongoing with HMRC with respect to our PAYE position —
HMRC believe we have overpaid (by c. £26), the RFO/CIerk believes we have paid exactly our due amount. 8.2 The Council resolved not to pursue any further applications for Transparency Funding. 8.3 There were two cheques for signing: £119.99 for the purchase of a printer/scanner for the Clerk's future use (using transparency funds allocated last year by I-CC), and £32.40 for the Clerk's PAYE
9.0 Planning Applications. No new applications had been received. The conditions attached to permitted changes at 37 Overgate Road were noted.
10.0 Correspondence. This was brought to the Council's attention and circulated to members. Amendments to the Electoral Register were noted.
11 .0 Items of urgency for discussion None
The Chairman asked Mr Adams to report on any I-CC issues. He spoke briefly on the bus issue, on The Big Clean initiative from both I-CC and SKDC, and on the likely changes to I-CC spending plans following the recent Election.
The meeting closed at 8:25
Date of next meeting Tuesday 26th September 2017. parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield/