SPC Minutes July 2020


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe  (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams.  Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com


Minutes of a Zoom Meeting of Swayfield PC

14th July 2020 at 6:30pm


There were no members of the public in attendance. Cllrs Bob Adams (LCC) and Nick Robins (SKDC) participated in the first half of the meeting.


1.0 Apologies for absence All councillors were in attendance.

2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.

3.0 To approve the draft minutes of the June 2nd teleconference: These were adopted unanimously.

4.0 Councillors' Reports

The Chairman invited Cllrs Adams and Robins to tell the Parish Council of developments in their spheres. Cllr Adams said that County Council reserves were at present adequate to support an expected deficit of £5.2m. The new Highways contracts had started well but there had been complaints of poor work more recently. The contract is split with Balfour Beatty (responsible for more major projects) and an in-house team (minor repairs). Even so, it is not always clear which group is responsible for what.  Devolution is back on Westminster's agenda and it is thought that, eventually, elected mayors will take office even if local sentiment is unfavourable.

Cllr Robins spoke about the Big Clean starting up again. A customer centre has opened in Grantham for residents with urgent issues to discuss. Some (but only some) arts/cultural centres will receive government aid. Finally, the Savoy cinema project in Grantham has been nominated for an award.

4.1 Recreation Ground. Wildflower meadow on hold at present. Following government guidelines on playgrounds, the Council agreed to post notices stressing the importance of commonsense measures, especially social distancing and the use of handwipes. Some rubbish had been left but various citizens had removed it.

4.2 Highways and footpaths. Cllr Green had been in touch with Highways over the poor state of the surface at certain points. They had not yet been back in touch. A question was raised about Lobthorpe Lane, which has deteriorated badly. As it is not in Swayfield parish, Cllr Adams agreed to raise it with Colsterworth and District PC.

4.3 Telephone kiosk. There had been some churning of books. 4.4 Defibrillator: all in order. 4.5 Events: the Council noted the Scarecrow event organised by the Village Hall.

5.0 Play equipment annual inspection. It was resolved to choose the cheaper out of Miracle (who did last year's) and Playsafety (who took care of previous years' inspections).

6.0 Pingle Lane - the way forward. Cllr Green laid out the issues. Progress has been delayed by the virus, which had limited the pace of dialogue between us and LCC. Cllr Adams having advised us that LCC were most unlikely to find space in their schedule until next year, it was agreed that volunteers (with suitable safety precautions and a full risk assessment) would clear the first, public section (some 420 yards) recognised by LCC Highways as an ancient path or track. As to the question of securing access to further stretches of track, the Council would write to those landowners or tenants whose property bordered the whole path to invite comments. It was unanimously resolved to do this, copying the letter to LCC Highways.

7.0 Annual Governance Documents

All of the following were duly noted and accepted by show of hands, in the order shown

7.1 To receive and note the Internal Auditor's report; 7.2 To approve the Annual Governance Statement; 7.3 To approve the Accounting Statements; 7.5 To approve the Certificate of Exemption; 7.5 To allow the Clerk to set the period for the exercise of public rights. All of these papers to be published on the Council's website.

8.0 To resolve on a gift for the Internal Auditor. This was unanimously agreed, funds comparable to previous years to come from petty cash.

9.0 Current Financial Issues

9.1 Position at bank. This had been circulated earlier, and was noted. 9.2 To pay the Village Hall rent invoice for £260. The Clerk pointed out that we had not been billed since May 2018, hence the apparently large sum. This was duly resolved. 9.3 The cheque for the above would be signed by the two signatories.

10.0 Planning Applications:  none not already notified

11.0 Correspondence. None

12.0 Dates of future meetings. Those proposed (22/9/20, 17/11/20, 16/01/21, 12/03/21 and 14/05/21) were accepted.

13.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None

The meeting closed at 7:15 pm.