SPC Minutes November 2020
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of a Zoom Meeting of Swayfield PC 17th November 2020 at 7pm
There were no members of the public in attendance. Cllr Bob Adams (LCC) was present for the first four items.
1.0 Apologies for absence Mrs Roberts had sent her apologies.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
3.0 To approve the draft minutes of the September 29th Zoom meeting: These were adopted unanimously.
4.0 Councillors' Reports
4.1 Recreation Ground. The Chairman would check and remedy points raised by the ROSPA safety report of the summer. He also felt that the grass would need up to three more cuts, and the fees for this (£135) were agreed and duly resolved. 4.2 Kiosk: Cllr Johnson reported that they had rather too many donations at present, many of which suggested a good deal of decluttering was taking place. 4.3 Highways and footpaths. Cllr Green had received complaints that the bridleway from the water tower to Park Farm had become difficult in places. He would check. Hedges: some parishioners might need a gentle reminder to tidy hedges encroaching on footpaths or pavements. The step by the new bungalow (1 Corby Road) had been reported to a director of the building firm but there had been no repair. In any case, it presented a hazard to vehicles forced to mount the verge (which is part of the right of way). Cllr Adams asked for details to be sent to him and he would pursue it. Church Lane drainage: LCC Highways/Flood control had taken it on board, though the recently constructed solution looked unlikely to work. The Chairman had left messages for Roz Nickols to that effect and hoped to liaise with her re the ongoing problem. Cllr Green remarked that Highways had done an excellent job in clearing Pingle Lane (Wood Road) and were to be commended. Also, a barrier had been installed to prevent vehicular access, with help from Mr Gregory. Further mowing along the length of the lane was estimated to cost perhaps £40 each time, but quite possibly Highways might be prepared to take this on. The Council would review the situation in the Spring but in the meantime resolved to do one or two cuts as necessary. The Chairman thanked Cllr Green for all his work. He proposed a subcommittee to attend to the environmental project, consisting of himself and Cllrs Green, Johnson and Holden. This was agreed nem con. Finally, Cllr Green observed that the village sign near the triangular junction was looking rather shabby and could be renovated.
Cllr Adams was then invited to update the Council on County Council matters, but there were no new developments. He then asked to be excused from the remaining business.
5.0 Report of the subcommittee on the Clerk's salary. This recommended an increase in line with national guidelines which would raise the annual pay to £830 p.a. (£11.53 per hour). They recommended that this be backdated to October 1st 2020. These proposals were duly resolved by the council.
6.0 Renewal of annual grass-cutting contract with LCC. Usually, this had by now been offered to the parish council so the Clerk asked for authority to renew it when it did arrive. This was duly resolved.
7.0 Annual Precept Request. Likewise, this had not yet been received. In view of the need to avoid large increases in the future, it was resolved to request a rise of 2.5%. The Clerk was given authority (resolved unanimously) to act accordingly when the time came.
8.0 Financial Matters. 8.1 Position at the bank. This was noted and accepted. 8.2 To resolve to pay Mr Percival's bill for grass-cutting the recreation ground (£702): duly resolved. 8.3 Cheques to be signed for the sum in 8.2, and the Clerk's December PAYE.
9.0 To consider a proposal to join with Corby Glen and Burton Coggles in a Good Neighbour Scheme (GNS). Although the Council supported it in principle, it was felt that current arrangements in Swayfield were working well and therefore there would be little advantage in joining this scheme.
10.0 Planning Applications: none recently
11.0 Correspondence. The Clerk would forward an email from Mrs Geeson on behalf of the Bowls Club, thanking the Council for the grant awarded at the previous meeting.
12.0 Dates for remaining meetings. Through some quirk, these had been accidentally set for Friday or Saturday evenings. The Chairman therefore proposed revised dates: Jan 19th, March 9th and May 18th (all Tuesdays). These were agreed.
13.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None.
The meeting closed at 8pm.
J S Williams, Clerk