SPC Minutes September 2020
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of a Zoom Meeting of Swayfield PC 29th September 2020 at 6:30pm
There were no members of the public in attendance. Cllrs Bob Adams (LCC) was present except for the last two items.
1.0 Apologies for absence All councillors were in attendance.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. Cllr Geeson declared an interest in item 9, as Secretary and Treasurer of the Swayfield Bowls Club.
3.0 To approve the draft minutes of the July 14th Zoom meeting: These were adopted unanimously.
4.0 To note an inaccuracy in the Minutes of the meeting of March 31st. It had been pointed out that Bradley Farms had in fact tendered for the grass-cutting contract, contrary to the statement in the minutes of March 31st item 5.0. Their bid had been considered alongside two other submissions. The Clerk had apologised to Mr Bradley for the error.
5.0 Councillors' Reports
5.1 Recreation Ground. Nothing to report but see item 6.0 below. 5.2 Highways and footpaths. Cllr Green spoke of grass growing through recently tarmacked footways in places. He would alert LCC Highways. The issue of parking on the pavement outside The Barn was raised. After some discussion. it was agreed that the Clerk should write a letter expressing the view that this ran the risk of being dangerous parking as it forced vulnerable people into the road and sometimes obstructed drivers' sightlines. If no response was forthcoming, the Council would ask the police to become involved. Cllr Geeson said there were some potential problems with the gate and step access to the new bungalow to the east of her own house. It was not clear whether these were part of the planning permission. It was agreed to wait until the end of October to see if the builder would put things right. 5.3 Telephone Kiosk. All ticking over. 5.4 Defibrillator. All in order. 5.5 Forthcoming events. None.
Cllr Adams then gave his LCC update. Main point: LCC budget very stretched by social care and the need for schoolchildren to socially distance, including on transport. However, the county seemed to be solvent thanks to reserves.
6.0 Play equipment annual inspection. A number of fairly minor, easily-fixed issues had been identified and the Chairman would attend to these when his quarantine was over. Cllr Holden agreed to help.
7.0 Pingle Lane - the way forward. Cllr Green said that there had been some support for our proposals from affected parties. No further progress on issues re access to the upper part of the lane. A proposal for wildlife development, led by Amanda Jenkins, was underway. The Clerk outlined some concerns emailed to him by a local farmer concerning potential antisocial behaviour. The issue of dogs on leads was raised and it was agreed that signs would eventually be posted to keep dogs under close control. The Council agreed that the Chairman should discuss with Mr Bradley the various proposals that have been aired by both sides and then report accordingly to the next Meeting so that a way forward can be planned.
8.0 To consider a proposal to improve the drainage of Church Lane. Mr Gregory had offered to install piping with gravel cover to carry away water draining off the adjacent field, at the cost of materials only. This proposal was welcomed and a unanimous vote resolved to fund the project, provided any legal constraints were satisfied.The Clerk would write to the landowner to obtain his permission.
9.0 To consider a grant application from Swayfield Bowls Club. The pandemic had prevented the club from raising money to repair the club's hut, damaged by time and rain. A grant from Sport England had been achieved but this was at least partly for maintenance and therefore the Club was seeking additional help from Parish Council Funds. After discussion, it was unanimously resolved (Mrs Geeson not voting) to award the requested sum of £600.
10.0 To refund the Clerk from petty cash for the internal auditor's gift (£20.98), and to replenish petty cash with £100. Duly resolved.
11.0 Current Financial Issues
11.1 Position at bank. This had been circulated earlier, and was noted. 11.2 to resolve to pay the following invoices: Clerk's PAYE (£32.40); Refurbishment of the beacon (£230); ROSPA inspection fee (£90.60); mobile phone needed for online banking (£45 to Clerk); Bowls club grant (£600). Most of these had already been resolved at earlier meetings but were re-affirmed in unanimous votes. 11.3 Cheques for the above to be authorised - duly resolved.
12.0 To set up a subcommittee to consider the Clerk's salary. The Clerk regretted that ill-health would prevent him from carrying on past the current financial year and that the Council should give thought to finding a replacement, and especially to the level of remuneration required, since current levels would be inadequate before long. It was agreed to set up a committee consisting of the chairman, the Vice Chairman and Cllr Holden, to consider short- and long-term issues.
13.0 Parish Council website. Legislation to require public body websites to be as accessible as possible to those with special requirements meant that LCC was changing its website and, because they host ours, so we would have to follow suit. The Clerk had attended training pre-lockdown but could not see his way to taking on a demanding task of this nature. Unfortunately LCC (contrary to earlier assurances) would switch off existing websites at the end of December, so the need to set something up was pressing. Cllr Adams reported that although some parishes had found migration easy enough, others had definitely not. He would discuss with the relevant personnel. Meanwhile, the Chairman said he would investigate who might help us out here.
14.0 Planning Applications: none recently
15.0 Correspondence. the essence of a number of emails had been conveyed to councillors.
16.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None. The meeting closed at 7:55. Several Councillors asked for the start of the next meeting (17th November) to return to 7pm, and this was agreed.