SPC Minutes January 2021
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of a Zoom Meeting of Swayfield PC 19th January 2021 at 7pm
Open Forum There were four members of the public in attendance. Cllr Bob Adams (LCC) & Cllr Nick Robins (SKDC) were present. A resident mentioned an issue of water coming into his property, due to a blocked drain and run off water from farmland. The problem had been partly resolved with the help of another resident clearing the drain. Another resident highlighted the issue of surface water flooding on Corby Road, again due to blocked drains and correspondence had been received about some flooding into the field below Pingle Lane which Mr Bradley had kindly temporarily resolved. Finally, the matter of the raised step by the new bungalow (1 Corby Road) has yet to be resolved – Cllr Adams agreed to follow this up.
- Apologies for absence None
- Welcome to Mr C Hatch as the Parish Clerk: On behalf of the Council the Chairman extended a welcome to Mr C Hatch as the Parish Clerk following the resignation of Mr S Williams who had separately been thanked for his 4 years of service.
- Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
- To approve the Minutes of the November17th Zoom meeting: These were agreed unanimously. The Chairman reported that a parishioner had submitted an Official Complaint concerning the Draft Minutes. He advised the Councillors that he had spoken with LALC who confirmed that Draft Minutes do not have to be a verbatim record of the meeting and therefore the complaint was not valid.
- Councillors' Reports
5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports: Cllr Robins provided an update on Covid-19 cases in the SKDC area. He also advised SKDC has provided 34 million pounds in grants to InvestSK. Cllr Adams advised he had been working on budgets. He confirmed there will not be a deficit for the current year.
5.2 Recreation Ground: The Chairman confirmed the hedges had been trimmed, play equipment repairs had been carried out and new posts were being made. He confirmed some small works remained and will be completed in the better weather. Finally, he advised 15 logs had gone missing from the log pile, the remaining logs have now been secured.
5.3 Phone Kiosk: Cllr Johnson advised the Kiosk was clean, tidy and well stocked with papers and books.
5.4 Highways and Footpaths: The Chairman advised that two of the Grit Bins require filling with salt. The Clerk confirmed LCC are responsible for the two large bins situated by the Railway Bridge and the junction of Overgate Road and Corby Road. The two small bins are the responsibility of the PC. As such eight bags of salt had been ordered from Branch Brothers.
Water drainage work carried out by Highways in Church Lane appears to be ineffective, Highways to be contacted to review the work.
5.5 Defibrillator: Cllr Holden confirmed the unit to be in full working order.
5.6 Parish Council Website: The Clerk gave a short presentation of the new PC website https://swayfield.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ The new site is in line with new Accessibility guidance, and it should prove to be a valuable tool for the Village.
6.0 Consideration of the Parish Council’s proposals for Pingle Lane
6.1 Consideration of the document that was attached to the Agenda: The Chairman apologised to Mr Bradley for an error in the original proposal – this has been corrected. The Chairman asked Councillors for comments and feedback on the proposal. There were none. The proposal was agreed unanimously.
Cllr Holden then explained his understanding of the current status and rights of access concerning Pingle Lane – it has no registered title and does not belong to any adjoining landowner. Therefore it is a right of way as it has been used by the public as a footpath for more than 20 years, it is not gated and it is not a concessionary or permissive footpath. As a public right of way all members of the public have a right to use it as a footpath, while horse riders and cyclists may use the lower section that is deemed to be a bridleway. This lower section may be used by non-motorised vehicles if LCC Highway Services consider this section to be a restricted byway. It is prohibited for any motor vehicle to be used on a footpath or bridleway or restricted byway without lawful authorisation.
6.2 Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) Application: Cllr Holden proposed and it was resolved that a DMMO Application be submitted – this is not to change the status of Pingle Lane as an existing right of way but to have it marked as such on the map.
6.3 Consideration of recent activity along Pingle Lane: Cllr Holden gave a summary of the recent activities that have taken place along the lane – these ranged from tractors being driven along the lane (perhaps without lawful authority), sections of hedges torn out, rubble and debris including straw being dumped, the scaffold barrier being removed and damaged, railway sleepers being dropped and an impassable fence has been erected across the lane at the northern end. He concluded by saying that in respect of these activities a number of offences may have been committed and he suggested that a letter should be written to Mr Bradley advising him of the situation and asking him to remove any obstacles or items mentioned above for which he may be responsible – this suggestion was endorsed by the Council.
6.4 Consideration of the proposal for an ecological survey: To be at considered at the next Council meeting.
6.5 Consideration of a request from a parishioner for sight of correspondence regarding Pingle Lane in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act: After discussion no objection was raised, however, as most correspondence relates to and is held by LCC Highways, it was agreed that Cllr Holden would seek the agreement of the originators of the information to release it.
6.6 Naturehood Wildlife Packages: As 6.4 above.
7.0 Financial Matters
7.1 Financial report: The Clerk presented the position at the bank which was approved. (Copy at foot of minutes)
7.2 To resolve to pay the following: £26.00 for a gift to Mr S Williams on his retirement as Parish Clerk. This was resolved.
7.3 Cheques to be signed: None.
7.4 Annual Precept – The Clerk confirmed the 2.5% uplift as agreed in the November meeting and has applied for a Precept of £3228.75.
8.0 Proposal to join with Corby Glen and Burton Coggles in the proposed Good Neighbour Scheme: Due to a lack of support, the proposal has been put on hold, but the proposal may be reactivated in future if necessary.
9.0 Planning applications: None.
10.0 Correspondence: The Chairman advised the PC that he had received correspondence from a resident regarding noise from Bradley Farm. The Chairman suggested and it was agreed that this was personal matter between the two parties and that the letter should be passed to Mr Bradley. [Afternote – when asked if he was happy for the letter to be passed to Mr Bradley the instigator of it asked for this not to be done.]
11.0 Items of urgency for discussion: Cllr Geeson asked to be added to the Pingle Lane Environmental Sub Committee.
The Clerk asked if Councillors would like to receive LALC Newsletters, he received a resounding YES.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm.
12.0 Date of next Meeting – Tuesday 9th March 2021 @ 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting (for which the Parish Clerk will be the Host)
Meeting ID: 816 5432 5040
Passcode: 486043
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20 |
Formula below |
Cashbook Current a/c only |
Do not change |
Date |
Ref |
Detail |
Money Out |
Money In |
Bank Balance |
Opening Bank Balance |
6,155.03 |
4/3/2020 |
1 |
Lincolnshire CC |
453.90 |
6,608.93 |
4/7/2020 |
2 |
SKDC Precept |
3,150.00 |
9,758.93 |
4/7/2020 |
170 |
LALC Annual Subscription |
139.33 |
9,619.60 |
8/7/2020 |
171 |
PM Bradley Farms Lts |
402.00 |
9,217.60 |
4/7/2020 |
172 |
HMRC (Clerks PAYE) |
32.40 |
9,185.20 |
6/22/2020 |
173 |
BHIB Ltd Renewal |
334.85 |
8,850.35 |
6/16/2020 |
174 |
HMRC (Clerks PAYE) |
32.40 |
8,817.95 |
6/29/2020 |
SO |
Clerks Wages |
129.60 |
8,688.35 |
7/1/2020 |
175 |
Swayfield Village Hall Rent |
260.00 |
8,428.35 |
9/14/2020 |
3 |
Lincolnshire CC |
353.64 |
8,781.99 |
9/25/2020 |
DD |
ICO Fee |
35.00 |
8,746.99 |
9/28/2020 |
SO |
Clerks Wages |
129.60 |
8,617.39 |
9/30/2020 |
176 |
HMRC (Clerks PAYE) |
32.40 |
8,584.99 |
9/30/2020 |
177 |
Gregory Builders (Beacon Repairs) |
230.00 |
8,354.99 |
9/30/2020 |
178 |
Playsafety Ltd (Inspection of play equipment) |
90.60 |
8,264.39 |
9/30/2020 |
179 |
Mobile Phone |
45.00 |
8,219.39 |
9/30/2020 |
180 |
Petty Cash |
100.00 |
8,119.39 |
9/30/2020 |
181 |
Swayfield Bowls Club |
600.00 |
7,519.39 |
11/18/2020 |
182 |
AC Percival (Recreation Ground mowing) |
400.00 |
7,119.39 |
11/18/2020 |
183 |
AC Percival (Recreation Ground mowing) |
302.00 |
6,817.39 |
12/29/2020 |
SO |
Clerks Wages |
166.00 |
6,651.39 |
12/30/2020 |
184 |
HMRC (Clerks PAYE) |
41.50 |
6,609.89 |
Total @ 11/01/2021 |
6,609.89 |