SPC Minutes March 2018
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts
Clerk Mr J.S.WiIIiams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk
Open Forum No members of the public were present. Start of Meeting: 7:02pm
Councillors present: Mr Metcalfe (taking the Chair), Mr Green, Mrs Bradley, Mrs Geeson, Mrs Roberts, Mr Jackson County Cllr Bob Adams from I-CC was also in attendance.
Vice Chairman's opening remarks. Mr Metcalfe welcomed Cllr Adams, and Diane Hansen, who was attending in her role as an officer with South West Lincolnshire CCG which commissions health services from hospital trusts and GPs in this part of the county.
Since Mr Adams had a further engagement at 7:30, he was invited to lead off. He spoke about potholes, and how this had become one of the hottest topics he could recall, with an increasingly critical public reaction to the present situation. Although some additional resources were to be made available, and farmers had volunteered to mend some damage if they were given the raw materials, it did not look as if the problems were going to be solved in the near future. It was brought to his attention that contractors to I-CC were claiming to have fixed reported problems, whereas in reality no such repairs had taken place, and that I-CC needed much more robust mechanisms for checking contractors' work. The Clerk asked if there was any further advice on the need to conform to upcoming legislation regarding Data Protection. As before, Cllr Adams counselled constructive inactivity. He then left for his next meeting.
Diane Hansen then presented her PowerPoint slides outlining what the Clinical Commissioning Group does, and how it envisages the next 5 years. She identified in particular the difficulties of recruiting and retaining quality staff in the county, the budgetary shortfalls which have to be put right, and the fragmentation of the system. Members of the public wishing to know more may visit the website www.lincolnshirehealthandcare.org . The Chairman thanked her for her time and clarity.
1.0 Apologies for absence. Mr Frere Cook had submitted his apologies, which were accepted. Cllr Robins of SKDC had also sent his apologies.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None
3.0 Notes of the previous meeting. These were unanimously approved as the Minutes. Cllr Geeson asked that any amended draft minutes be reissued following corrections to typos.
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports
4. 1: Highways In addition to the pothole issues raised with Cllr Adams, inconsiderate parking on the High Street had been raised. It was agreed to put this on the Agenda of the May meeting. 4.2 Defibrillator. Mrs Bradley thought that there were no issues. 43 Community Events. Cllr Jackson agreed to mastermind the lighting of the beacon at 7:30pm on Armistice Day (also Remembrance Sunday). The possibility of a village Big Lunch on June 3rd had been mooted, in line with similar events planned nationwide. There was some suggestion that traditionally Swayfield had held such events on July 15th. No conclusion was reached. 4.4 Phone kiosk. Newspaper distribution has begun, and seems to be working, though the vendors still need more subscribers to make it worth their while. Book exchange: so many had been contributed that we now needed more shelving, which Cllr Jackson offered to construct.
5.0 Recreation Area. Collapsed Wall: the presumed owner had not replied to a letter asking him to take responsibility for its repair. Cllr Jackson agreed to contact members of the community who might be in a position to effect repairs at low cost. Children's Play Equipment: Mrs Roberts reported back the investigations of the working group. She had gone ahead with an application for a substantial grant (maybe £9000) from WREN Because the Parish Council had allocated up to £1000 for this project, and WREN wanted us to contribute £1 021 , the shortfall had been kindly donated by a group of parents to enable the grant application to go through. WREN would let us know whether we had been successful in the not too distant future. It was agreed that the siting of the new facility must be carefully considered to avoid disadvantaging existing users such as soccer players. The working group was thanked for its efforts by Mr Metcalfe.
6.0 Flower Planting round the village sign. Mrs Roberts spoke for a group of parishioners who would like to plant some flowers and bulbs at both ends of the village. The Council agreed that this would enhance the look of the village but felt that it was not in a position to either consent or object.
7.0 Financial Matters. 7. 1 The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. Its acceptance was proposed by Mrs Geeson, seconded by Mrs Bradley, and signed by the Chairman. 7.2 There were two cheques for signing: £161.51 for our annual subscription to LALC and NALC, and £32.40 to HMRC for PAYE
8.0 New Data Protection Legislation had been dealt with by Cllr Adams earlier in the meeting.
9.0 Adoption of new policies. Both the Equal Opportunity Policy and the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy were formally adopted by unanimous resolutions. It was agreed that Cllr Roberts would act as our Child Protection Officer, not least because she is DBS checked.
10.0 Planning Applications. None pending.
11.0 Dates of Future Meetings. The Clerk in consultation with Mr Frere Cook proposed these dates: 23/05/18 [for both the Annual Parish Meeting and the AGM of the Parish Council], 24/07/18, 25/09/18, 27/11/18, 29/01/19,
26/03/19. These dates were agreed. 12.0 Correspondence. Mainly previously circulated. |
13.0 Items of urgency for discussion None |
The meeting closed at 8:27 |
Date of next meeting Wednesday 23rd May 2018. |
parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield/ |