Annual Meeting of the Parish Council May 2021
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email:
Draft Minutes of The Annual Meeting of Swayfield PC 4th May 2021 at 7.30pm
1.0 Election of the Chairman. As is mandatory, the Chairman resigned his office. The Clerk invited any Councillors who wished to be candidates for the Chair to say so. The outgoing Chairman stated a willingness to serve again, and he was elected unanimously. Cllr Metcalfe was re-elected as the Vice Chairman.
2.0 Apologies for Absence; were received from Cllr Green.
3.0 Declarations of Interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
4.0 To approve the draft minutes of 9th March 2021 Zoom meeting: These were adopted unanimously.
5.0 Councillors' Reports
5.1 County & District Councillors reports. Neither the County nor the District Councillor were present.
5.2 Recreation Ground.
The Chairman reported that the grass cutting contract has now started, guards on the play equipment posts are all in good order, logs for the Bug Hotel had been relocated to a more suitable location near the bushes. Seeds have been sown in the Wildflower Meadow and the Ecological Survey commissioned for the Recreation Ground and Pingle Lane will commence on 11th May. The Chairman thanked LCC and The Wildlife Trust for the grants provided for the work to take place.
The Chairman confirmed, LCC had inspected entrance gates to the recreation ground and found they need attention, LCC are prepared to carry out the repairs providing Swayfield PC maintain them from that point. This was proposed by Cllr Metcalfe, Sec by Cllr Holden and unanimously agreed by the PC.
5.3 Kiosk: Cllr Johnson reported there are not as many books available, however, there are no other problems either.
5.4 Highways and Footpaths. Cllr Holden confirmed, no issues arising.
5.5 Defibrillator, Cllr Holden confirmed the Defibrillator was in full working order.
5.6 Dog waste/litter bins, The Chairman advised, SKDC have no bins available for villages at present and due to the high cost of purchasing one, an additional bin will not be provided at this time.
The Councillors discussed the increasing problem of Dog Fouling in and around the village. After a lengthy discussion, it was proposed the PC set aside £200 to spend on large signs highlighting the problem. The proposition was carried unanimously.
5.7 ZOOM Renewal. The Clerk asked the Councillors if they would like to share the cost of the ZOOM renewal with Swinstead PC. After discussion it was agreed that, as face to face meeting will be required after 6th May, they will not share the cost, however, if the Pandemic tightens its grip later in the year, they will be happy to do so.
6.0 Annual Governance Statement and Financial matters.
6.1 To Declare Swayfield Exempt from a Limited Assurance Review. The Clerk confirmed, as both income and expenditure are less than £25,000, the PC need only complete the annual exemption certificate. This year the audit and certificate will be completed by Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accountancy
6.2 Annual Governance Statement.
6.2.1 To approve the AGAR Statement. The Clerk confirmed, the AGAR Statement was not ready for inspection and sign off at this time but he will forward it to the Councillors as soon as it becomes available.
6.2.2 To approve the Accounting Statement 2020/21. The Clerk presented the Annual Accounting Statement to the Councillors, there were no questions. Prop Cllr Frere-Cook, Sec Cllr Metcalfe.
6.3 BHIB Annual Insurance renewal. After discussion it was agreed to continue the cover provided by BHIB Insurance with the renewal cost of £338.42.
6.4 Cheques for signing BHIB £338.42. All financial matters were passed unanimously.
7.0. Dates of future meetings. The Councillors agreed the following dates.
July 6th, September 7th, November 2nd, January 11th, 2022, and March 8th, 2022. All meetings will commence at 7pm in the Village Hall.
8.0 Planning Applications: None
9.0 Correspondence. An email was received from Ian Duncan notifying the PC of a Fun Run planned for September 12th. The run is in memory of youngsters who sadly left us too soon and to raise money for sport equipment for The Ron Dawson Sports field.
10.0 Items of Urgency for Discussion. A resident mentioned of Fly Tipping on Lobthorpe Lane, the Chairman advised that this can be reported on the SKDC website.
Date of next meeting 6th July 7pm @ Swayfield Village Hall.