September 2021
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email:
Draft Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 7th September 2021 7.30pm
- Open Forum. the Clerk offered his sincere apologies to the two residents who attended the Open Forum at 7pm, he explained the error in the advertised time for the meeting was his and should have read 7.30pm.
Questions were raised in the Forum relating to cars parking close to a new business in Seven Hills Road making it difficult for other vehicles to pass, the condition of the road surface on Church Lane and whether £300 for a skip was a good use of public money.
Cllr Green agreed to discuss the issues with Highways to seek a resolution.
Cllr Holden explained, this will be the first year a skip has been made available for residents to dispose of their overhanging shrubs and hedges, a leaflet promoting the Skip will be distributed to all residents if the exercise is not a success it will not be repeated.
- Apologies for absence Cllr Frere-Cook, Cllr Metcalfe and Cllr Roberts all sent their apologies.
3.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. = None.
4.0 To approve the draft minutes of the meeting: held July 6th, 2021.These were adopted unanimously.
5.0 Councillors' Reports.
5.1 County and District Councillors were not in attendance.
5.2 Recreation Ground. Cllr Holden provided a general overview of the Ecological Report commissioned for the Recreation Ground. He said the comprehensive report made several recommendations to improve the biodiversity of the area, some far more expensive than others. He suggested further discussion of the report take place at a future meeting when all Councillors are present.
Cllr Holden made the same recommendation for the Ecological Report for Pingle Lane as this had only been received and circulated to the Councillors the previous day.
5.3 Kiosk: Cllr Johnson confirmed the Kiosk was clean and tidy and well stocked.
5.4 Highways and footpaths. Cllr Green provided a comprehensive review of his report to highways of works to be carried out to improve the roads in and around Swayfield. The report has now been sent to LCC Councillor Bob Adams; Cllr Adams will discuss the report with Highways.
Cllr Green asked if a formal letter of complaint could be sent to the contractors responsible for the work to the footpath at Saigon Cottage. (Clerk to respond).
Cllr Green also discussed the possibility of surfaced Passing Places on Castle Bytham Road and Overgate Road, relocating the position of the 30MPH signs at the junction of Castle Bytham Rd and Water Lane to make them more noticeable to motorists. (Clerk to speak with Highways). Cllr Geeson asked the Clerk to contact Frontrow Construction again regarding the step and front gate of the new bungalow on the corner of Overgate Road and Corby Road. (Clerk to follow up).
5.5 Defibrillator Cllr Holden advised the unit was in full working order.
6.0 Village Skip 9th October. As discussed in Open Forum.
6.1 Memorial Bench for the late Annie Welby. A donation from the Parish Council of £100 was proposed by Cllr Green, this was seconded by Cllr Johnson.
6.2 The Footpath by Saigon Cottage. As discussed in item 5.4.
7.0 Financial Matters.
7.1 Position at the bank. The Clerk had circulated the Finance Report to all Councillors, these were noted and accepted.
7.2 Cheques to be signed None
8.0 Planning Applications: S21/1717, Cedar - cut low hanging branches over neighbours drive and trim dead branches on trunk, Adjacent To 2 , Castle Bytham Road, Swayfield, NG33 4LW. No objections were raised by the PC.
9.0 Correspondence. None
10.0 Items of urgency for discussion. Cllr Geeson asked if the Clerk would speak with the Parish Clerk of Colsterworth PC, requesting they contact Highways about the condition of the road at Lobthorpe/Wooleys Lane as this road is outside of the Swayfield boundary.
11.0 Dates for remaining meetings. Tuesday 2nd November 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
Formula below | |||||
Cashbook - Current a/c only | Do not change | ||||
Date | Ref | Detail | Money Out | Money In | Bank Balance |
Opening Balance | 5,831.42 | ||||
07/04/2021 | 1 | Precept | 3,228.75 | 9,060.17 | |
12/05/2021 | 211 | BHIB Annual Renewal | 338.42 | 8,721.75 | |
12/05/2021 | 212 | Additions Accountancy (Audit) | 60.00 | 8,661.75 | |
06/07/2021 | 188 | Clerks Wages & Expencess | 271.46 | 8,390.29 | |
06/07/2021 | 189 | AC Percival (Rec Grass Cutting) | 270.00 | 8,120.29 | |
06/07/2021 | 190 | UK Safty Stores | 81.06 | 8,039.23 | |
01/08/2021 | 191 | Osprey Signs | 210.00 | 7,829.23 | |
Total @ 7th September | |||||