November 2021


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email:



Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 2nd November 2021 7.30pm

  1. Open Forum Two residents attended the Open Forum. Questions were asked regarding the surface water accumulating by the bridge at Corby Road. Cllr Green will chase and report again to Highways. Green Bins being put out for collection at 11am the day before collection is due. Clerk to contact SKDC to enquire what their policy is re collecting and returning bins to residents’ homes. Cllr Roberts raised concerns regarding the state of the grass verge outside her property after work had been conducted to her neighbour’s property.

Cllr Frere-Cook asked the Clerk to minute his thanks to Cllr Roberts for organising the SKIP. He also highlighted there will be a Memorial Bench Tea Party in the Village Hall @ 4pm November 21st, in memory of Annie Welby.

  1. Apologies for absence. Received from Cllr Johnson & Cllr Geeson.

3.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.

4.0 To approve the draft minutes of the September 7th meeting: These were adopted unanimously.

5.0 Councillors' Reports

5.1 County & District Councillors were not in attendance

5.2 Recreation Ground. Grass cutting is still required and being carried out satisfactorily. The Seesaw in the children’s play area has broken, this has been reported to the manufacturer and should be repaired/replaced under guarantee.

5.3 Kiosk: The Kiosk was reported to be in good order.

5.4 Highways and footpaths. Cllr Green confirmed his comprehensive Highways report for Swayfield had been sent to Cllr Adams, he will also forward a copy direct to Highways and continue to discuss the issues with them. He also suggested, residents use the “FIX MY STREET” app to report Potholes etc to Highways.

5.5 Defibrillator Cllr Holden confirmed the unit was in full working order.

6.0 Consideration of the Ecological Survey Report. The Councillors discussed the Survey for the Recreation Ground. The consensus was, a number of the suggestions can be considered over a period of time, a number of suggestions in the survey would be expensive to implement. Any actions taken must be affordable. The Councillors felt the primary use of the area is for play, games and relaxation and therefor did not want to reduce this area by extending the Wildflower Meadow.

Cllr Holden provided a concise overview of the survey for Pingle Lane. The report highlighted a moderate range of biodiversity, suggesting planting trees and shrubs to fill gaps in hedgerows and creating new walkways. Cllr Holden felt little needed to be done until a decision had been made on the DMMO application.

The full report for the areas is published on the Parish Council website

7.0 Financial Matters.

7.1 Position at the bank. This was noted and accepted.

7.2 To resolve to pay the following: BSH Skip Hire £240.00, Memorial Bench £100.00, Helen Scarborough £561.90,

Clerks Wages £207.54.

7.3 Cheques to be signed: None

8.0 Speeding Vehicles in Village. Cllr Holden provided information relating to electronic Speed Signs. The signs provide

      valuable data and range in price from £1700 to £3.500. The Councillors discussed how they may obtain the data before committing to this large outlay. Cllr Frere-Cook proposed contacting Swinstead PC asking if they could rent their speed sign

for four to six weeks at a cost of £100. The Clerk will request this at the next Swinstead PC meeting.

9.0 Planning Applications:  Mr Nick Kay S21/2057. There was no objection from the Parish Council.

10.0 Correspondence. Platinum Jubilee flyer to be posted on the community WhatsApp page.

11.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None

12.0 Dates for remaining meetings. Tuesday 11th January 2022 @ 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Cashbook - Current a/c only      
Date Ref Detail Money Out Money In Bank Balance
    Opening Balance     5,831.42
07/04/2021 1 Precept   3,228.75 9,060.17
12/05/2021 211 BHIB Annual Renewal 338.42   8,721.75
12/05/2021 212 Additions Accountancy (Audit) 60.00   8,661.75
06/07/2021 188 Clerks Wages & Expencess 271.46   8,390.29
06/07/2021 189 AC Percival (Rec Grass Cutting) 270.00   8,120.29
06/07/2021 190 UK Safty Stores 81.06   8,039.23
01/08/2021 191 Osprey Signs 210.00   7,829.23
11/10/2021 192 BSH Skip Hire 240.00   7,589.23
11/10/2021 193 Memorial Bemch (Annie Welby) 100.00   7,489.23
20/10/2021 194 Helen Scarborough (Ecological Report) 561.90   6,927.33
20/10/2021 195 Clerks Wages 207.54   6,719.79
      Total @ 02/11/2021