March 2022


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

Clerk: Mr C Hatch.  Telephone: 01476 552053 Email:


Draft Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 8th March 2022 7.30pm

1.0 Public Forum: Two residents attended the public forum. One resident commented on how attractive the local farming community had made the entrances of the local villages look in the area, with their hard work cutting the hedges and grass verges, he also mentioned, the location of the crash barrier by the bridge made it difficult for farmers to cut back the hedges at that location. Another resident confirmed he had carried out grubbing work at the dip by the railway bridge to alleviate the flooding problem there.

2.0 Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from, Cllr Frere-Cook, Cllr Green & Cllr Johnson.

3.0 To receive declarations of interest, in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion: None

4.0 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 11th January 2022 to be approved as the Minutes. These were approved unanimously.

 4.1 Matters Arising. Cllr Geeson advised, having read the SKDC document for Green/Gray/Black bin collection, it is requested to leave the bin out by 7am on the morning of collection, or prior to if this is not possible. Regarding the step at the property at Overgate Road, the property owner is liaising with Highways to seek a resolution. The PC Chairman has also met with the property owner and advised that the PC will keep a watching brief and offered further assistance if required. Regarding the Jubilee Beacon, one resident offered to build the Beacon. Councillors discussed who would light the beacon. It was suggested, a resident born in Swayfield, residents names will be considered.

5.0 Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:

 5.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. LCC Cllr Vernon and SKDC Cllr Robins both attended the meeting. Cllr Vernon provided information from LCC; a précis as follows. Ukraine – The County Council has plans in place to welcome any Ukraine refugees who seek safety in our county, we are working with the Red Cross who are co-ordinating donations of goods and money that are being made. If you'd like to register an interest in providing temporary accommodation, please call us on 01522 552222.  She also suggested that any requests for road closures for the jubilee should be made as soon as possible.

Road Maintenance Grant - The county council has received a letter confirming its roads maintenance grant allocation for 2022/23 remains £12m less than 2019/20.

British Railways HQ – Lincolnshire County Council and South Kesteven District Council will be putting a joint expression of interest to host the Great British Railways Headquarters. Grantham not only has a proud railway heritage but is also a key strategic location for rail commuters and travellers, being only just over an hour from London

Local Matters

Fixmystreet – Please do continue to report concerns regarding potholes, or damage to the roads via this website.

Cllr Robins also provided information from SKDC: On the Budget the Government has confirmed the extension of business rate relief to hospitality, leisure, and retail sector.

From April parking in Stamford, Bourne and Grantham will increase by 10p per hour.

An increase of £5 for annual collection on the green bins.

5.2 Recreation ground. Cllr Roberts reported that Work on repairs to play equipment will go ahead but is temporarily delayed.

5.3 Phone kiosk. In her absence Cllr Johnson had forwarded comment, that the Kiosk was clean, tidy and well stocked.

5.4 Highways. Cllr Metcalfe asked if the PC could look at cheaper speed signs’ options. Cllr Holden suggested the Speed Clock app, with a download cost of £2.40. Cllr Metcalfe suggested the Councillors should use the app to determine if there is a speeding problem in Swayfield.

5.5 Defibrillator. Cllr Holden confirmed, a new battery has been purchased and installed for the defibrillator at a cost of £318.

6.0 Financial Matters

6.1 Financial report: Position at bank. This was presented by the Clerk and unanimously accepted. (A copy is at the foot of the minutes).

6.2 To resolve to pay the following: A C Percival £460.00, Clerks salary £211.14, LALC renewal £141.69 and The Community Heartbeat Trust £318.00.

6.3 Cheques to be signed: As above, were accepted and duly signed.

7.0 Re-appointment of A C Percival: (grass & hedge cutting). After discussion this was accepted unanimously. The Clerk will advise Mr Percival of the PC decision.

8.0 Planning applications: The Parish Council will send representation to SKDC Planning objecting to retrospective planning permission for application S22/0384, (erection of boundary fencing). This was proposed by Cllr Geeson and seconded by Cllr Holden. The proposition was carried unanimously.

9.0 Correspondence: Correspondence was received from two residents requesting the erection of Monkey Bars in the recreation ground. Parish Clerk to write to the residents.

10.0 Items of urgency for discussion: Cllr Holden raised the issue of the PC formalising a plan outlining project of higher cost in the coming fiscal year. It was agreed this should be an agenda item for the May meeting.

11.0 Date of next Meeting:  The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th May @ 7pm in the Village Hall – it will be followed by the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.  All parishioners are welcome to attend’. 




Date Ref Detail Money Out Money In Bank Balance
    Opening Balance     5,831.42
07/04/2021 1 Precept   3,228.75 9,060.17
12/05/2021 211 BHIB Annual Renewal 338.42   8,721.75
12/05/2021 212 Additions Accountancy (Audit) 60.00   8,661.75
06/07/2021 188 Clerks Wages & Expencess 271.46   8,390.29
06/07/2021 189 AC Percival (Rec Grass Cutting) 270.00   8,120.29
06/07/2021 190 UK Safty Stores 81.06   8,039.23
01/08/2021 191 Osprey Signs 210.00   7,829.23
27/09/2021 DD ICO 35.00   7,794.23
11/10/2021 192 BSH Skip Hire 240.00   7,554.23
11/10/2021 193 Memorial Bemch (Annie Welby) 100.00   7,454.23
20/10/2021 194 Helen Scarborough (Ecological Report) 561.90   6,892.33
20/10/2021 195 Clerks Wages 207.54   6,684.79
11/01/2022 196 The Community Heartbeat Trust (Pads) 98.40   6,586.39
11/01/2022 197 Clerks Wages 207.54   6,378.85
25/02/2022 DR Bank Charges 7.20   6,371.65
    TOTAL @ 05/03/2022     £6,371.65