July 2021
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 6th July 2021 7.30pm
Open Forum One member of the public was in attendance. Cllr Bob Adams (LCC) was present. A resident asked the Councillors several questions relating to Pingle Lane, the Recreation Ground, and entrances to the Village being untidy and overgrown.
The Chairman advised that the first part of an Ecological Survey had been carried out for Pingle Lane and the Recreation Ground, and the second part of the survey will take place on 15th July between 5-7pm details of which will be publicised through WhatsApp to encourage parishioners to attend. The other points raised by the resident were noted and will be taken up with the appropriate departments.
- Apologies for absence None.
- Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
- To approve the draft minutes of the 4th May Zoom meeting: These were adopted unanimously.
5.0 Councillors' Reports.
5.1 Cllr Bob Adams (LCC) advised the Councillors on the improved method of Pothole repairs being carried out in the County. Also, because of the feedback during the recent Elections, a committee has been set up to look at traffic speeding in local Villages. He will keep the Councillors updated with the Traffic Calming measures being considered. Highways are also looking at ways of improving road safety on the A1. Cllr Adams welcomed comments and suggestions from the Parish Council and members of the public.
5.2 Recreation Ground. The Chairman advised; grass cutting was being carried out on a regular basis.
5.3 Kiosk: Cllr Johnson reported that the Kiosk is clean and tidy.
5.4 Highways and Footpaths. Cllr Green is to provide a report to Highways regarding certain drains requiring attention and the general deterioration of Church Lane. Cllr Adams asked that the report include “All outstanding work and work that had been completed unsatisfactorily”.
Concerns were raised regarding the number of trees and shrubs overhanging residents’ boundaries obstructing the Highway and Footpaths. Cllr Roberts proposed hiring a large skip, at a cost of no more than £300 for a particular day in September to enable residents to dispose of their tree and hedge cuttings. A leaflet advising residents of the date will be circulated in due course. The proposal was accepted unanimously.
5.5 Defibrillator. Cllr Holden confirmed that the Defibrillator was in good order.
5.6 Ecological Survey See comments in Open Forum.
6.0 Financial Matters.
6.1 Position at the bank. This was noted and accepted.
6.2 Cheques to be signed. Clerks Wages £271.46, AC Percival £270.00 (Grass Cutting), UK Safety Stores £81.06 (Dog Fouling Signs). These were approved unanimously.
7.0 Wildlife signs for the Recreation Ground. The Chairman proposed three laminated signs be commissioned at a cost of £70 each explaining the benefits of the Bug Hotel, Life in a Log pile and the Flower Meadow. The signs to be located appropriately on the Recreation Ground. The proposal was carried unanimously.
8.0 HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Councillors agreed that a Village Committee should be set up to organise events for the forthcoming four-day event in 2nd – 5th June 2022. A leaflet and door knock will take place inviting those residents who would like to form the 8–9-person committee to make themselves known. The Parish Council agreed to accept responsibility for lighting of the Beacon on the Thursday evening in line with other Commonwealth countries - the Chairman and Cllr Geeson will apply for the appropriate permit.
9.0 Planning Applications: None
10.0 Correspondence. None
11.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None
12.0 Date of next Meeting. Tuesday 7th September 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm