SPC Minutes January 2019
Chairman: Mr S Frere Cook Vice Chairman: Mr D Metcalfe
Counciilors: Mrs S Bradiey, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts
Clerk: Mr J.S.WiIIiams. 5521 10 Emaii. swa
Minutes (Notes) of the Meeting held 29th January 2019
Tne meeting opened at 7:01 pm. There were two members of the public present. Cllr Adams (LCC) wes also attendance. One member of the public gave a short address in relation to a planning matter. The CouncM felt that e!thcugh this related to an agenda item in the business to come, not take it into account since the Counc: must remain neutral between different parties in the village. The second member of the public reminded the Cerk that properties with gates bordering the Recreation Ground were scon coming to the end of their 10-year ieases end yvouåd have to renew them at the Counci!s request. The Meeting proper then began at 7:1 1
Apo\ogies for absence. None. Aft Counciiiors were present
2.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 201 1 Locai Government Act. — persona) or prejudicial interest jn any items for discussion. Mrs Geeson pointed out thet as she was Secretary of the Bow\s she hed a persona' interest in 6.0
Notes of the Perish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27th Novernber 2018 were agreed as an accurate reccrt: resožved as the
C Councihors' and Clerk's æports:
Vile Chairmen invited CÄr Adams to report items of interest. Cftr Adams out!ined the scaie of the increase in the e!ement cf Council Tax for the conûng year. It wouid be the maximum permitted without triggering a viz 4.95%. There would atsc be rises the poiice åernent and the SKDC rate. He then tc attend meeting Hariaxtcn.
4 i Recreation Ground. Cllr Roberts said that the press opening wouid be on Sunday 3rd Feoruary at 3pm. was anticipated that the Grantham Journal would be present. She asked if the Council agreed that the orange bafflers kvbicn had been protecting the newly-turfed areas couid be removed since the grass had grown rapidly. Thïs wes agreea. Finaiiy, in the thiterests of child safety, she fe!t it desireb:e thet the gates at both ends of the ground some automatic catch mechanism to prevent toddiers rushing into the road. Ciir Jackson agreed to look into this. (Tae Ccunci: had voted monies for this eariier in the year.)
Te!ephone Kiosk. This was now very wež:; and no further theft of newspapers had been recorded. There was aiso increased use being made of the noticeboard
Highways. The Clerk reported that we were now signed up to the LCC scheme which would see verges in the being cut under the auspices of the CouncG instead of LCQ in return for a comfortable crar;t, Aso, problems with drains reported after the last meeting had been reported as fixed, though the lack of heavy rain since the work was completed in December meant that this had not been tested. ñy-ïipping: it had now emerced that rubbish left oy the grit junction by the rai\way bridge was not anything of the knd, but the deposit !eft by a pub!ic-spirited private citzen used it as a temporary holding point pending remova; to a recycling centre
Defibrillator. Cilr Brad'ey reported that this was in a satisfactory condition.
5 Community Events. As previously informed by Cllr Robins, the Bourne CiCLE womens and menis races would come down the High Street on August 31st and September Ist: respeectivly. Cir Jackson would look into what if anything we can do to join in the occasion.
State of the Vii\age Signs.Cllr Green circuiated a map showing tnat wrtua!ly all the street signs were in a pretty poor condition. Clerk to contact our fink on LCC Highways to ask wnat they could done about this
Bowüng Green, Cllr Geeson had circulated a copy of the lease at the previous meeting. In discussion with the Chairman she agreed that it was very likeiy tne Bowls Club would cease to exist, probebiy before the tease runs out in late Septemner 2024. Cllr Green strongly argued that the land is purposed for sport and recreation and it might be possible to persuade the trustees that a renewal of the lease may be in the interests of the village might be possible even if it is not for a bowìs dub. However the Chairman pointed out that the wording of the lease states that is entireiy up to ane Trustees. It was agreed tnat, to begin with the Bowis Club might discuss whether they could become a facility of the Parish Counc], whicn might strengthen residents' hands in any future discussans. Th e Counci! agreed to return to this in May or Juiy.
Finacial matters:Financial report position at bank. Acceoted and signed by the Chairrman. CiÌr Green requested VAT be accounted for in a way which gave truer picture of our finances.
7.2 Cheques for signing: Reimbursement of Clerk for the purcnase of two signs at the recreation Ground (£30
Planing Applications;Thanks to Citr Green the Council learned that the reason we had not been notifyed by SKDC and asked to comment on Sl8/2280 was because this was a non-material amendment and therfore decided by the Officer. Since we had been invited to comment, it was decided to offer no formal respons though individual members can comment on the website a purely private capacity if they so wished.
Coresponcence — This hed been circulated by email prior the meeting.
ftems of urgency for discussion. None
The meeting closed at 8:20.
Date of next meeting : 26th March 2019