SPC Minutes November 2018

Chairman: Mr S Frere Cook, Vice Chairman: Mr D Metcalfe
Councillors: Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, MrA Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts
Clerk: Mr J.S William"s Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali co uk Minutes of the Meeting held 27th November 2018
The meeting opened at 7:03 pm. There were no members of the public present. Cllrs Adams (LCC) and Robins (SKDC) were in attendance.
1.0 Apologies for absence. Mr Jackson was unavoidably detained and apologised via Cllr Green.
2.0To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. - personal or prejudicial interest in any items for dlscusslon. None
3.0 Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 25th September 2018 were resolved as an accurate record and approved as the Minutes. The Notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Thursday Bth November
2018 were also resolved as an accurate record.
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports:
The Chairman invited Cllrs Adams and Robins to report items of interest. Cllr Adams asked the Clerk to email him with a list of blocked drains, which he would investigate with LCC Highways. Cllr Robins mentioned a number of initiatives: on 31/08 and 1/09 of next year, there would be a cycling event under the title C|CLE Festival, with a course which would start and end in Bourne, and come through the village, necessitating rolling road closures. lt was hoped to grow this event over future years. The Chairman warned that very large events caused substantial disruption. The opening of the new cinema in Grantham is now expected to be in June. He also spoke of the need for shops in Grantham and Bourne to adapt their opening hours and marketing strategies to the changing habits of shoppers. Cllr Metcalfe asked about the completion of the southern loop between the A52 and the A1. This was still unknown. Finally, he said that SKDC has a small parcel of funds available for community projects. The Council felt that renovation of the village sign might come under this heading.
4.1 Highways. LCC has offered us a contract, to pay us for cutting verges within the village, currently the responsibility of Highways. lt was resolved to accept the offer. Clerk to contact LCC and our insurers. Cllr Robins stated that SKDC had created a company which would be willing to tender for similar jobs in future when properly established. Litter Cllr Geeson raised the issue of fly-tipping around the village, particularly by the grit bin and by the (fallen) Give Way sign. The Chairman said he would investigate further
4.2 Defibrillator. Cllr Bradley reported that there were apparenily no issues.
4.3 Community events'. lt was agreed that the Armistice commemoration had been very successful.
4.4 Phone kiosk. Cllr Roberts said that, following two Fridays when newspapers had been stolen, there had been no further losses..
5.0 Recreation Area:
5.1 New play equipment. Cllr Roberts said the project was complete, and that Miracle had fully delivered on the contract. The company was also being very co-operative in helping the Council to manage the cash flow issues arising. There will be a formal opening on Sunday gth December, with the Grantham Journal in attendance [NB,
this is now postponedl. lt was resolved to put up two notices stating that members of the public use the facilities
"at their own risk". Clerk to organise.
The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Roberts for her hard work and persistence in bringing the project to fruition. This was warmly supported by those present.
5.2 Wall repair. The Council noted the f50 goodwill payment from the supposed owner, and resolved to accept this, and that the dispute was now closed.
6-0 State of the Village Signs. lt is understood that street signs are the responsibility of SKDC, while road traffic signs are the responsibility of LCC Highways. Cllr Green agreed to collate evidence which could then be submitted to the appropriate authority.
7'0. Precept requeSt for 2019-20. Cllr Metcalfe proposed that we assume a future inflation rate of 2.5% and pitch our request accordingly. Seconded by cllr Geeson, and unanimously resolved.
8.0 Financial matters:
8.1 Financial report: position at bank. Accepted and signed by the chairman
8 2 Setting up of a petty cash fund to cover minor expenses presently paid by cheque. The Clerk suggested an annualfloatof f100, and Cllrs agreed thatthere should be a limiton individualtransactions of f30. Duty resolveO. 8.3 Cheques for signing: Clerk's December PAYE (t32.40); reimbursement of Cltr Jackson for safety tipe (f7.25); reimbursement of Clerk for present to the organiser of the beacon event (€25). Balance of bill to Miracle
(t4599.10), said cheque to be posted only when WREN funds permit, around Dec 10th. Duly resolved and executed.
9.0 Planning applications: the Council noted the application relating to 4 Overgate Road.
9.0 Correspondence - To note Correspondence, including Clerks and Councils newsletter.
10.0 ltems of urgency for discussion. Cllr Geeson had some papers she would like us to read in preparation for the next meeting, at which the Bowling Green would be a discussion item.
The meeting closed at B:25.
Date of next meeting: 29th January 2019 Website : parishes/l i ncolnsh i re. gov. uk/Swayf ie ld