SPC Extraordinary Meeting November 2018
Chairman: Mr S Frere-CookI Vice Chairman- Mr D Metcalfe
Councillors: Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts
Clerk: Mr J.S.WiIIiams. Telephone. 01476 5521 10 Email: swa field c@tiscali.co.uk
Minutes of an Extraordinary Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 8th November 2018 in the Village
The meeting began at 7:03pm. No members of the public were present.
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr A Jackson.
Sole item: To resolve to pay Miracle Design and Play its initial invoice relating to the new play equipment purchase and installation.
It was reported by Cllr Roberts that, thanks to Miracle's flexibility, it would be possible to time the presentation of the cheque after the delivery of the equipment on or around November 19th and immediately notify WREN, the grant-giving body. In this way, the Parish Council's risk would be minimised and our position at the bank would be maintained.
There followed on a discussion relating to the security of the items delivered, and whether insurance was necessary.
The Council then proceeded to vote on the Resolution, which was proposed by Cllr Metcalfe, Seconded by the Chairman, and carried unanimously.
The contract with Miracle was then signed. The Meeting ended at 7:18pm
Date of next meeting: 27th November 2018
Website: parishes/lincoInshire.gov.uk/Swayfield
Stuart Williams Clerk to the Council