SPC Minutes AGM May 2018
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, MrA Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts.
Clerk: Mr J.S.WiIIiams. Telephone. 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Swayfield PC 23.05.18
Present were Mr Frere Cook, Mrs J Geeson, MrA Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, The Clerk, Mr Bob Adams (I-CC), Mr N Robins (SKDC) and one member of the public. The Meeting began immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting, at 7:32.
1 0 Election of the Chairman. As is mandatory, the Chairman resigned his office. The Clerk invited any
Councillors who wished to be candidates for the Chair to say so. The outgoing Chairman stated a willingness to serve again, and he was elected unanimously.
2.0 Mr Frere Cook than signed the Acceptance of Office declaration
3.0 Apologies for absence. Mr Metcalfe had sent his apologies, which were accepted
4.0 Declarations of Interest: None.
5.0 Previous meeting's minutes. The draft notes were resolved unanimously as an accurate record
6.0 Councillors' Reports: Highways Cllr Green welcomed the news on pothole repairs. He raised the issue that some footpaths in the parish are not being left clear of crops, as farmers are required to do under the law Cllr Adams informed us that whereas this responsibility had been I-CC Highways Dept, it had now been hived off to a separate dept, though that branch was as yet without a budget. Problems can still be notified via the LCC website. RG then observed that the new footbridge over the Glen brook was markedly below the level likely to be reached by floodwaters when in spate. This was thought to be a effort to conform to disabled access regulations.
Community Events Cllr Jackson was not aware of any until the November Armistice Commemoration.
Recreation Area No news yet on our grant application. On the topic of the fallen wall, the member of the public present felt sure that it had belonged to Swayfield House. It was agreed to try to effect repairs ourselves.
Defibrillator The equipment was reported (by hearsay) to be functioning.
Phone Box Cllr Roberts reported that things were ticking over satisfactorily. It would still be desirable to have more newspaper subscribers.
7.0 On-Street Parking. This item had been thoroughly discussed during the APM
8.0 To declare Swayfield exempt from a Limited Assurance Review. The Clerk explained that in previous years our accounts had been audited both by our own Internal Auditor and then by an appointed External firm. This requirement had ended and we now only had to adopt the appropriate certificate (for councils with both income and expenditure of less than £25 000), though we still had to make our accounting and governance statements available to the public. The Certification was resolved unanimously.
9.1 To resolve the approval of the Annual Governance Statement. This was unanimously resolved
9.2 To resolve the approval of the Annual Accounting Statements. These were unanimously resolved. The Chairman and Clerk signed these documents as appropriate,
10.0 To adopt Data Protection documents and policies. In line with the requirements of GDPR legislation, the
Council resolved unanimously to adopt the following policy documents. Swayfield PC's Data Map; Data Protection Policy; Subject Access Request Procedure; Data Breach Policy; Records Retention Policy. Councillors filled in their personal Security Compliance Checklists and handed them to the Clerk. Finally, it was resolved to register with the Information Commissioner's Office and pay the annual fee of £35, as required by law
11 0 Financial Report. The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet showing the financial position and bank balance as at 23.05.18 This was signed by the Chairman.
12.0 To resolve to pay for a gift to the Internal Auditor. Duly resolved nem con.
13.0 To resolve on various payments, and to sign the appropriate cheques. These consisted of: Annual Council Insurance premium to BHIB Ltd £319.95; Village Hall Rent £120; Clerk's PAYE for June £32.40; ICO Registration fee £35; gift for Internal Auditor £21 All were duly resolved unanimously.
14.0 Planning Applications: none pending.
15.0 Correspondence. Previously circulated. Clerks and Councils newsletter circulated.
16.0 Any urgent matters requiring attention. The Chairman asked whether we needed to re-elect a Vice Chairman, but the Clerk assured the meeting that this was not necessary.
The Meeting closed at 8:02pm
Dates of future meetings: 24th July; 25th September; 287th November; 2019: 29th January; 26th March