SPC Minutes September 2018


Chairman: Mr S Frere-Cook, Vice Chairman: Mr D Metcalfe

Councillors. Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts

Clerk. Mr J.S.WiIIiams. Telephone: 01476 5521 10 Email: swayý1ÊLdpgtiscaIi.co.uk Minutes of the Meeting held 25th September 2018

The meeting opened at 7pm with all Councillors present. There were no members of the public.

1.0 Apologies for absence. CCIIr Bob Adams had sent his.

2.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 201 1 Local Government Act. — personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. The Chairman declared an interest in discussions covering the footpath fence by the Village Hall (under item 4.1), and Mr Metcalfe in item 6.0.

3.0 Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 24th July 2018 were resolved as an accurate record and approved as the Minutes.

4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports:

4.1 Highways. Cllr Green mentioned the fallen Give Way sign opposite the Drift. He had reported it via the website but had not received an email acknowledgment, The Chairman remarked on some hedges which had grown out over footpaths, or which were reducing drivers' sightlines. The Clerk was asked to write to owners to request action. Decayed fence by footpath alongside the Village Hall: LCC had declared that such fences were not their responsibility, and added that we should consider removing the style since livestock was no longer an issue, and it reduced disabled access. The Chairman had suggested to the Village Hall Committee that it be replaced with a simple pole-and-post fence at roughly thigh height. This would be costed by the Village Hall. There were no objections to this plan.

4.2 Defibrillator. Cllr Bradley reported that there were no issues.

4.3 Community events: WW1 Armistice commemoration. This will be held at 7pm on Nov 1 Ith. Cllr Jackson to contact Mr Gregory to prepare for the lighting of the beacon. He would also publicise it through The Link and other media. It was agreed to ask Mr Ross Ward to perform the lighting ceremony. It was resolved unanimously to allocate £250 towards the expenses of this project.

4.4 Phone kiosk. Cllr Roberts said that, despite some temporary misappropriation of newspapers, it continued to go well.

5.0 Recreation Area

5.1 State of play with regard to installation of new play equipment. Cllr Roberts briefed the Council. There had been a change to the specifications as a result of production delays, but this was not thought to be a problem Equipment should start arriving towards the end of November.

5.2 Recent ROSPA report: issues for action. As last year, there were no serious risks and the Council agreed to continue with a watching brief. Clerk to write to Playsafety to end the contract and engage Miracle instead.

5.3 To note lack of communication from putative owner of the recently repaired wall. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the estate agents of The Barn with a view to registering that we are in dispute with the owner for reimbursement of the repair costs.

6.0 Application from St Nicholas's Church for financial support for churchyard maintenance. There was a lengthy discussion. Since the application had come through the Grants Application Policy, it was felt that we could not go against the explicit terms of the Policy which rules out substantial help with maintenance. In addition, the legal position is yet to be clarified: although many Councils do assist with maintenance of church property, the advice of NALC is not to do so until such clarification is received (which should be in the near future). It was agreed that if we did decide at a future date to make a regular contribution, it would be necessary to bring the resulting rise in the tax burden to the attention of the residents of the village. It was also pointed out that there are other organisations in the village which would have a good claim to assistance with maintenance. Since the Council is not opposed in principle to assisting the church, provided it can be done within our legal constraints, the Clerk was asked to write to the originator of the application to explain our reasons and suggest how a future application might be framed.

7.0 Financial matters:

7.1 Financial report: position at bank To note annulment of cheque No. 137, payable to the ICO (see item 7.3).

The Chairman signed the statement provided by the Responsible Financial Officer.

7.2 Cheques for signing: Clerk's PAYE (£32.40); ROSPA inspection (£79.80); Paint for play equipment maintenance (£28.90). Duly resolved and executed.

7.3 Resolution to set up a Direct Debit to pay the anual ICO fee of £35. Duly resolved.

8.0 Planning applications: None pending. The Clerk provided Councillors with a reminder of the planning permission sought and granted for 34 High St in view of some criticisms received regarding its final appearance.

9.0 Correspondence — To note Correspondence, including Clerks and Councils newsletter

10.0 Items of urgency for discussion. There were none.

Date of next meeting: 27th November 2018

Website: parishes/Iincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield