SPC Minutes July 2018
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs S Bradley, Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts.
Clerk: Mr J.S.WiIIiams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk
Minutes of the Meeting of Swayfield PC 24.07.18
Present were Mr Frere Cook, Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs S Bradley, Mr D Metcalfe, the Clerk. There were no I-CC orr SKDC Councillors in attendance, nor any members of the public. The Meeting began at 7:03. (Cllr Adams arrived after the close of the meeting, having been at Carlby, whose start time is 7:30.)
1.0 Apologies for absence. There were two, from Cllrs Jackson and Roberts. The Clerk in addition reported that Mrs Bradley had sent her apologies to the May 23rd Meeting, but that he had omitted to pass them on, and apologised
2.0 Declarations of Interest: None.
3.0 Previous meeting's minutes. The draft notes were resolved unanimously as an accurate record.
4.0 Councillors' Reports: 4.1 Highways Road Closures for streetworks had been notified by I-CC and two notices posted in the village to alert residents. The period August 23rd to September 5th would see rolling road closures for maintenance. There was some discussion of the fence between the Village Hall and the footpath. The fence will sooner or later need repair or replacement, and it was thought that a simple knee-height pole barrier would be adequate to prevent users of the Village Hall carpark from obstructing the pathway. In any case, Clerk to contact I-CC to find out their views.
4.2 Defibrillator The battery had been replaced as a matter of urgency, its likely lifespan having been estimated in a previous meeting 4 years ago as being 3 years. Mr Stanley would be reimbursed accordingly. The Council wished to record its thank to Mr Stanley for his help with this matter.
4.3 Community Events There was some discussion as to the planting of an oak somewhere in the village but it was felt that there was a lack of obvious spaces.
4.4 Phone Box Cllr Roberts reported via email, relayed by the Chairman and the Clerk, that things were ticking over satisfactorily. It would still be desirable to have more newspaper subscribers.
5.0 Recreation Area.
5,1 Collapsed wall: It was agreed that the Clerk send a request for payment for £100 to the presumed owner. Meanwhile, it was resolved to reimburse Cllr Jackson for the £100 cost of employing a stonemason to repair the breach. 5.2 Play equipment. The Chairman had had a site meeting (20/7/18) with Cllr Roberts and Miracle, our supplier, to discuss the installation of the equipment. The timescale was such that the installation would be finished in early October, conditions permitting. As to inspection: for this year, ROSPA would conduct their annual inspection of the existing equipment in August, and independent inspectors would verify Miracle's new equipment. In the longer run, the Council agreed to look at choosing a single inspection body with a view to economy, it being unhappy with the scope of previous ROSPA reports. 5.3 Cllr Roberts had asked for c. £40 +VAT to be allocated to the purchase of paint, wood preservative, etc, which volunteers would then apply as needed. This was duly resolved unanimously. 5.4 Latches on gates at either end. Although it was observed that Corby Glen had no gates or barriers of any kind, perhaps there was good reason to provide secure latches at either end of the footpath. It was resolved unanimously to allocate £30+VAT toward the purchase of replacement latches. 5.5 ROSPA inspection in August: the Clerk informed members that this would take place as usual, but see 5.2 above.
6.0 Derelict House in Corby Road. This continues to be monitored, both by the Parish Council and SKDC. At present, it is not unsafe or verminous, so there are no grounds for action. Thanks to local residents, the grass is being cut regularly, which is appreciated.
7.0 Financial Matters.
7.1 The Clerk had produced a spreadsheet showing the current position at the bank. This was signed by the Chairman.
7.2 Signing of cheques. These consisted of: £1 00 to reimburse Cllr Jackson (see 5.1 above), and £241.79 to Mr J Stanley (see 4.2 above)
8.0 New Data Protection Legislation. The Clerk advised of the impossibility of registering with the ICO while they insisted on the appointment of a DPO. I-ALC had been of no help, offering various work-arounds, none of which worked. As long as we showed willing, it was felt that the chaos at the ICO meant that this requirement lacked urgency and we would continue to monitor the situation. The Clerk also reported that the parts of our website hosted by LCC which did not satisfy the GDPR had been disabled, but that these were trivial 9.0 Planning Applications: none pending.
10.0 Correspondence. Previously circulated. Clerks and Councils newsletter of so little interest that it was not circulated.
11.0 Any urgent matters requiring attention. Cllr Metcalfe asked whether the development of tourist facilities at Castle Bytham (holiday lodges linked with fishing) had any implications for traffic through Swayfield. Also, whether there was a danger of further development there. It was agreed to keep an eye on the situation.
The Meeting closed at 7.58pm Date of next meeting: 25th September 2018