SPC Minutes November 2019


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com

Minutes of a Meeting of Swayfield PC

26th November 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall

There were no members of the public present. County Cllr Bob Adams was in attendance The meeting began at 7pm

1.0 Apologies for absence had been received from Mr Metcalfe and Mrs Roberts.

2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None

3.0 The Notes of the Meeting held on September 24th 2019 were unanimously approved as the Minutes.

4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's Reports

The Chairman invited Mr Bob Adams to speak. He said that I-CC had signed a new Highways contract with Balfour Beatty, who promised cheaper and better services. Potholes would in future not be repaired in strict rotation following website notification, but instead all potholes in the (immediate) vicinity would be filled at the same time, and using a superior technique. He warned that Council budgets continued to be squeezed, and consequently there would be cuts. These would mainly be in the level of grants available since front-line services were protected. He also referred to problems with heavy lorries driven carelessly through villages and urged witnesses to contact him with evidence - ideally photographic. Cllr Green pointed out how unsatisfactory the resurfacing had been in Swayfield, and that he had invited I-CC to inspect. He felt I-CC needed to be much more active in checking their contractors' work.

4.1 Recreation Ground. The replacement of fences and gates was scheduled for the coming Thursday. The old wood was to be stored for use in the biodiversity area. The annual inspection of the play equipment was due and the Clerk would contact Miracle to expedite. 4.2 Phone Kiosk. No problems, though the large number of books being donated meant selection and recycling were necessary. 4.3 Highways and hedges. Although I-CC had responded to a request to inspect the resurfacing defects, Cllr Green reported that there was still no action on signs. There was some discussion of Pingle Lane, which had become overgrown. It appeared to be neither a public right of way, nor adopted, according to Land Registry entries. Councillors discussed the desirability of clearing it and integrating it into a circular walking loop, with the possibility of seeking a permissive footpath agreement from the relevant landowners. It was agreed to keep this in mind for discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting in May. The state of Church Lane was also discussed, including the desirability of mechanically sweeping away mud and debris. 4.4 Defibrillator. The monthly check showed it to be in good order. 4.5 Public Events. The beacon is being refurbished. At the end of the meeting, Cllr Holden showed us the repainted sign hung beneath it. The Council noted that he had done an excellent job. Cllr Johnson alerted us to Carol Singing through the village on December 23rd.

5.0 Speeding Signs. The Clerk had obtained three quotes for speeding signs. There was great variation among them, but all seemed expensive. Nevertheless, it was felt that it would be desirable to use one or more such signs in the long term. The Clerk was asked to circulate brochures and price data before the next meeting, with a view to discussing positioning and type.

6.0 Grass Cutting Contract with I-CC. It was resolved to renew the contract for 2020.

7.0 Precept Request. It was resolved nem con to request £3150 for next year's precept, representing a rise of

2.5% on last year's figure.

8.0 Financial Matters 8.1 Position at the bank. The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet which was accepted as a true record. 8.2 It was resolved to pay Cllr Holden £16 for printing costs relating to the defibrillator training in September. This came out of petty cash. 8.3 A cheque for the Clerk's December PAYE was signed (£32.40).

9.0 Planning applications. None had been notified that had not already been circulated. The Chairman reported that the initial application for a change of use at The Barn had been returned by SKDC for revision following some errors by the applicants.

10.0 Correspondence None not already circulated via email.

11.0 Items of Urgency for discussion. None          Date of next meeting: 28/01/2020

J S Williams, Clerk

website.• parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uldSwayfield/