SPC Minutes September 2019


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

24th September 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall

There were 6 members of the public present. They were welcomed by the Chairman and invited to state their concerns. The first and main concern was the potential establishment of a dog-breeding enterprise in the centre of the village. The Chairman recounted his discussions with the licensing authority and the Head of Environmental Services for SKDC. He advised that in the matter of the granting of a licence, neither the Parish Council nor individual residents had any status. However, should the scale of puppy production exceed a certain number of litters then a change of use planning application would have to be submitted, at which point the Council and villagers would be able to comment to the Planning Authority. In the meantime, residents were reminded that, to be well-founded, objections had to be evidence-based.

The second concern referred to hedges, particularly down Church Lane and on the High Street. The Clerk would contact I-CC, since in certain circumstances, the hedges impeded traffic. Mr Gregory was thanked for his temporary solution to the missing gate to the Recreation Ground. The public forum finished at 7:35. The Meeting of the Council then began almost immediately.

1.0 Apologies for absence had been received from Mrs Geeson. Mr Bob Adams (I-CC) also apologised.

2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.

3.0 The Notes of the Meeting held on July 30th 2019 were unanimously approved as the Minutes.

4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's Reports

4.1 Recreation Ground. Grant for wildlife area: Cllr Roberts briefed the Council. We will apply for a grant of c. £430 from I-CC to buy seeds, logs, etc. The need for a Management Plan was stressed. 4.2 Phone Kiosk. No problems. 4.3 Highways and hedges. Cllr Green had asked I-CC to come and inspect sections of the recent surface dressing which had deteriorated through inexpert application. Drains were still flooding in places even though a number had been cleaned by I-CC. The Clerk reminded members that faulty drains can be reported on the Highways website section. The switch of pavements from one side of the road to the other as Corby Road turns into the High Street (coming from the railway bridge) was discussed as a possible hazard for certain categories of user. A narrow miss of a mobility scooter had been noted. This led to a discussion of speeding through the village, with one driver being particularly mentioned. The Clerk was asked to look into the cost of erecting digital speed monitors, now common in may places. Parking on pavements continues to be a hazard for pedestrians, and it was agreed that a polite note should be placed on the windscreen of habitual offenders. Finally, the condition of certain hedges, down Church Lane and along the High Street was mentioned. Clerk to contact I-CC Highways for advice. 4.4 Defibrillator. Cllr Holden reported on the successful training session run on September 11th. Some 20 people had attended. He indented for £16 to cover flyer printing costs. 4.5 Public Events. None known of at the moment.

5.0 Beacon and Village Sign Refurbishment. The beacon basket is very rusty, and the sign (now fitted with new hinges) needs repainting. Cllrs Frere Cook and Holden volunteered to do the latter. It was resolved to allocate up to £300 for the beacon and up to £150 for the sign.

6.0 Recreation ground gates and fencing. The Council discussed the four quotes received. One was ruled out as it was for the gate only, whereas it was agreed that we should replace both fences and gates at the same time. One quote lacked a valid phone number and VAT registration. Of the two remaining, the Council opted for the cheaper (£1172.50+VAT). There was some discussion of the quality of the wood to be used for railings, and Cllr Holden would talk this through with Mr Freeman. If superior materials involved a higher cost, the Council would convene an. Extraordinary Meeting to discuss. Otherwise, it was resolved unanimously to accept Mr Freeman's quote.

7.0 Financial Matters 7.1 Position at the bank. The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet which was accepted as a true record. 7.2 It was resolved to pay the invoice from SKDC for the uncontested election in May. 7.3 a cheque was duly signed for £79.32. Further cheques (Clerk's PAYE £32.40, Community Heartbeat Trust £210) were signed.

8.0 Planning applications. None had been notified that had not already been circulated

9.0 Correspondence None of any special interest 10.0 Items of Urgency for discussion None The meeting closed at 20:40

J S Williams, Clerk

website: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uWSwayfield