SPC Minutes Annual Meeting of SPC May 2019


Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)

Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden

Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk

Minutes (Notes) of the Annual Meeting of Swayfield PC 13th May 19

All Councillors were present. Initially there was one member of the public, later joined by four more.

1.0 All councillors signed the Acceptance of Office declaration. There followed the election of a Chairman, which office Mr Frere Cook agreed to continue to perform. This was passed by a unanimous show of hands. The Chairman then conducted the remainder of the meeting, having signed the appropriate Acceptance of Office declaration. Councillors then elected Mr Metcalfe to be Vice Chairman.

2.0 Apologies for absence. All councillors were present. Mr Bob Adams had sent his apologies

3.0 Declarations of Interest: None.

4.0 Previous meeting's minutes. The draft notes were resolved unanimously as an accurate record.

5.0 Councillors' and Clerk's Reports: Recreation Area: 1. Furrows: the Clerk reported that it had proved difficult to find firms willing to tackle this problem. Mr Webster at Skillington had inspected the ground but was reluctant to quote for the work: he felt that this was a job we would be better doing ourselves since the simple and cheap solution was to spread topsoil around and tread it in. Cllr Johnson said she would contact a landscaper who might be prepared to tackle the problem. The Chairman proposed that we allocate up to £750 towards this project, which was unanimously resolved. 2. Insurance cover. We had been advised by our Insurers that the farmer who mowed the Rec should have his own Public Liability Insurance, and that we ought to produce a risk assessment to protect our position. Mr Green felt that while ideally Mr Bradley should write the risk assessment, he knew of someone who would provide one we could offer for agreement with our contractor and the Insurers. As an aside, Mr Bradley had suggested that we leave uncut an area as a wildflower reserve. This was unanimously agreed. 3. Gateposts and fences: the rotten state of the main gatepost, together with the generally aged state of the fences, meant that we should obtain quotes to renew them. Mrs Roberts agreed to follow up.

There was little to add to previous reports on the phone boxt road signs, defibrillator and CiCLE event, except to continue to report traffic signage defects to I-CC through their website.

Community Buses: Mrs Geeson brought the Council up to date with several recent serious failures with the Friday CallConnect bus to Stamford, after a period when things had mostly gone well. She had received letters from those affected (several of whom were present). Although there was the possibility of calling for a taxi should the service fail to turn up, the timings were adverse since the delay would give users too little time in Stamford before they had to catch the return bus. On the other hand, Mr Metcalfe pointed out that the financial cost to the County would surely concentrate minds on avoiding such failures in future. Since this issue would be discussed in the APM later, it was agreed to defer further discussion till then.

6.0 Annual Governance Review and Financial Matters.

6.1 To declare Swayfield exempt from a Limited Assurance Review. The Clerk explained that before 2017-18 our accounts had been audited both by our own Internal Auditor and then by an appointed External firm. This requirement had ended and we now only had to adopt the appropriate certificate (for councils with both income asnd expenditure of less than £25 000), though we still had to make our accounting and governance statements available to the public. The Certification was resolved unanimously.

6.2 Annual Governance Statement

6.21 To resolve the approval of the Annual Governance Statement This was unanimously resolved

6.22 To resolve the approval of the Annual Accounting Statements. These were unanimously resolved

The Chairman and Clerk signed these documents as appropriate.

6.3 To resolve to pay for a gift to the Internal Auditor. A sum of up to £25 was duly resolved

6.4 To resolve the payment of our annual premium to BHIB Insurers for our public liability cover. The sum of £331.66 was duly resolved.

6.5 Cheques for signing There were two: the Clerk's PAYE to HMRC (£32.40) and the payment to BHIB (£331.66).

7.0 Bowling Club There was no change from the previous discussion: when the lease expires, the Club will approach the trustees for an extension. If this is not granted, at least (we believe) the land must continue to be used for recreational purposes, not private housing

8.0 To resolve acceptance of the donation of a bench from Mrs Noble in memory of her late husband. This was duly resolved unanimously. The Chairman expressed the Council's appreciation of this generous gesture. It would be taken indoors during the winter months and replaced each Spring.

9.0 Dates of future meetings the following dates were proposed and agreed: July 30th, Sept 24th, Nov 26th, Jan 28th 2020, Mar 31st 2020.

10.0 Planning Applications: none pending

11.0 Correspondence. Previously circulated. The Clerk referred to the great volume of newsletters and reports which clogged up the Inbox and offered to continue to send on only Aat he thought would be relevant and interesting.

12.0 Any urgent matters requiring attention. None
