SPC MinutesJuly 2019
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone: 01476 552110 Email: swayfieldpc@tiscali.co.uk
Minutes of a Meeting of Swayfield PC
30th July 2019 7pm in the Village Hall
No members of the public were present. Cllrs Bob Adams (I-CC) and Nick Robins (SKDC) were in attendance. The meeting began at 7:02pm.
1.0 Apologies for absence had been received from Mr Frere Cook and Mr Green. Mr Metcalfe took the Chair.
The Chair invited Cllrs Adams and Robins to update us on County and District Council news. Mr Robins told us that changes are being made to the Local Plan at the Government's request, since there were not enough houses being built in the district. Additional Traveller Sites were planned. The rebuilt cinema in Grantham had opened, and they were seeking tenants to take on the associated retail spaces. Mr Adams described the situation re Social Care. As a result of demographic shifts, this service is under immense pressure, especially because older people retiring to Lincolnshire bring no Central Government funding with them. Public transport in the county has a number of obligations to fulfil and government regulations leave them no room for manoeuvre. However, they do not receive extra funding for these innovations and are consequently cutting back on day-to-day provision.
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
3.0 The Notes of the Meetings held on May 13th 2019 and June 26th 2019 were unanimously approved as the Minutes.
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's Reports
4.1 Recreation Ground. A parishioner had drawn Cllr Roberts' attention to the availability of a grant of £500 from
Lincolnshire Community Wildlife. She would pursue this and bring the details to the next PC Meeting. 4.2 Phone Kiosk. The problems caused by parked cars had been resolved through a polite note. 4.3 Highways. Resurfacing was ongoing. 4.4 Defibrillator. Cllr Holden suggested that we ask the Community Heartbeat Trust to lay on a refresher course for those villagers who are interested. The cost would be £175 + VAT for up to 50 participants.
This was resolved unanimously. The parish would be leafleted when the date and details were known. 4.5 Public Events. The forthcoming CiCLE festival sparked discussion of whether we could obtain yellow bikes, to be placed at the 3 entrances of the village. This was enthusiastically endorsed.
5.0 To Consider the repair/replacement of the gates and fencing on the High Street edge of the Rec Ground
There was some discussion of the fate of the old gate whose ownership is unclear. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr Bradley. There was then a debate as to whether we wished to replace like for like, or instead install a simpler pole and rail system. Perhaps a hedge could be an effective barrier. It was noted that several posts were rotten or rotting, and that a hedge would take too long to grow to effective size. Since a gate was necessary, Cllr Johnson felt that we should proceed with that right away, so quotes to replace the gate only (for now) would be sought. It was agreed to visit the site either after the meeting (weather permitting) or later in the week.
6.0 Financial Matters
6.1 Position at the bank. The Clerk had prepared a spreadsheet and spoke briefly to outline predictable or recurring costs. 6.2 It was resolved to pay the invoice from DBC Plant Hire for the repairs carried out at the Recreation ground surface a d 6.3 a cheque was duly signed for £546 (inc VAT). 6.4 To avoid the occasional need to call extraordinary meetings, it was resolved to make explicit the financial regulation regarding small expenditures on unforeseeable items. To that end, it was resolved that the Chairman and the Clerk in concert could authorise spending of up to £100 in any quarter, immediately informing the Council of their decision.
7.0 Planning applications. None had been notified that had not already been circulated.
8.0 Correspondence None of any special interest.
9.0 Items of Urgency. There were two: 1) Mr Frere Cook had received a phone call from a parishioner who believed that large-scale dog-breeding was going on in Swayfield. It was agreed that we would find out if it was licensed. This is the responsibility of SKDC (not I-CC, as opined at the meeting). 2) Cllr Geeson spoke of ongoing problems with CallConnect, most of which stem from drivers who do not follow designated routes and pick-up points. She would continue to liaise.
The meeting closed at 8:08.J S Williams, Clerk
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. parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uWSwayfield/