SPC Minutes March 2019
Chairman: Mr S Frere Cook, Vice Chairman: Mr D Metcalfe
Councillors: Mrs J Geeson, Mr A Jackson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts
Clerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Tele hone: 01476 5521 10 Email: swa field c tiscali.co.uk Minutes (Notes) of the Meeting held 26th March 2019
There were no members of the public present. Cllr Adams (I-CC) was present for the first 25 minutes before leaving to attend Careby's meeting. The meeting opened at 7:02 pm.
1.0 Apologies for absence. Apologies had been received from Cllrs Geeson, Metcalfe and Roberts. In addition Mrs Sally Bradley had tendered her resignation from the Council over the weekend. The Meeting was therefore quorate
2.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. — personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None
3.0 Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 29th January 2019 were agreed as an accurate record and resolved as the Minutes
4.0 Councillors' and Clerk's reports:
The Chairman invited Cllr Adams to report items of interest. Cllr Adams stated that the southern relief road at Grantham would now go ahead, objections having been resolved or withdrawn. Completion estimated in 2023. He asked about our approach to LCC Highways regarding street signs (see 4.3 below). The Clerk had received an email from Mr Rowan Smith who stated that street signs (such as names of roads, direction signs) were the responsibility of SKDC, while his department of Highways was responsible for road signs (eg speed limits). Mr Smith had told us that, at present, there was no money for repair or replacement but that jobs reported would be added to their list. Cllr Adams volunteered to raise the most urgent issue of the missing Give Way sign by the railway bridge. He also asked whether street drainage problems had been resolved, and most had; however, the one stretching from 46-64 High Street was still flooding in heavy rain. Finally, he alerted us to the fact that some of the routes for the CiCLE festival (31/08 and 1/09) had been changed.
4.1 Recreation Ground. The new bench donated by Mrs Noble in memory of her late husband was ready to be installed, and fixing methods were discussed and agreed on. The serious unevenness of parts of the area was discussed. It was agreed that the Clerk should, as a matter of urgency, request estimates from suitable firms to repair the damage.
4.2 Telephone Kiosk. This has been recently cleaned by volunteers and a donation of books sorted and selected for display.
3 Highways. The discussion of street signs had taken place during Cllr Adams' contribution, reported above. The contract with LCC to organise village grass verge cutting had firmed up, and we now have maps of the (relatively small) areas we now have responsibility for. A discussion of liability insurance followed, including whether the firm cutting the recreation area needed separate public liability insurance. The Clerk would inquire of our insurers to see if it was necessary to pursue this further.
Defibrillator. We had no information regarding this, but presumed the batteries were still good since they had been replaced fairly recently.
Community Events. The CiCLE festival being the only planned event, Cllr Jackson would look into whether any change of routes might affect us.
5.0 Financial matters:
7.1 Financial report: position at bank. Accepted and signed by the Chairman.
2 Cheques for signing: It was resolved to pay the following bills: Rec ground maintenance (P.M.Bradley (Farms) Ltd £330); NALC/LALC subscription (£136.15); Clerk's PAYE (to HMRC, £32.40); and the float for the petty cash fund (£100)
6.0 Planning applications: None recently notified
7.0 Date of AGM/APM: Following the Local Elections, the Parish Council must by law hold its Annual General Meeting between May 7th and 21st (inclusive). It was agreed to set a date of Monday May 13th, subject to substantial confirmation from absent councillors. This would then also be the date for the Annual Parish Meeting, which would follow the AGM
8.0 Correspondence — This had been circulated by email prior to the meeting.
9.0 Items of urgency for discussion. None The meeting closed at 7:54.
Date of next meeting: Monday 13th May 2019 at 7pm
Website: parishes/lincolnshire.gov.uk/Swayfield