SPC Minutes March 2020
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook (Chairman), Mr D Metcatfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K HoldenClerk: Mr J.S.Williams. Telephone'. 01476 552110 Emait: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of a Telephone Conference of Swayfield pC31st March 2020 at 6:30pmAll Councillors participated
1.0 Apologies for absence None
2.0 Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011Local GovernmentAct. None
3.0 To approve the draft minutes of both the January 28th meeting and the Extraordinary Meeting ofFebruary 18th. These were adopted unanimously.
4.0 To report on the plans for the wildlife area. The Chairman reported that all the materials were ready.However, the ban on public meetings meant that the construction would have to be postponed until the ban waslifted.
5.0 To consider available estimates for grass-cutting of the Recreation Ground. Bradley Farms had decidednot to tender, in view of the fraught situation at the moment. The Council considered 3 other tenders, but relectedtwo on grounds of cost. The offer from Mr Percival was duly accepted unanimously, and the Chairman wouid askIrim to commence work at once.
6. 0 Bills to pay: the council voted unanimously to approve the payment of the annual LALC subscription(t139.33), Bradley Farms recreation ground maintenance forthe year (1402), and the Clerk's pAyE (€32.40).The Clerk briefed members on the issue of future meetings. until the government clarifies the matter, there will be no Annual Parish Meeting in May, nor will there be a face-to-face Parish Council meeting, despite statutory provision. Possibly, a second conference call meeting would be needed at some point to allow the payment of bills.The meeting closed at 6:40pm.J S Williams, Clerk