Draft March 2023
Cllrs: Mr D Metcalfe (Chairman) Mr K Holden (Vice Chairman)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs W Peat, Ms M Johnson, Mr A Cusdin, Clerk: Mrs A Reichelt.
Telephone: 073959 26160 Email: swayfieldparish@gmail.com
Draft Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 21st March 2022 7.30pm
1.0 Apologies for Absence Cllr Peat and Cllr Green
2.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act.
– personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
3.0 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 14th February 2023 to be
approved as the Minutes. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
4.0 Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:
4.1 County and District Councillors Reports. SKDC has a Prosperity Fund. To meet the criteria for
this fund the event needs to be in excess of £5000. Applicants must apply on-line.
The Community Fund is still available. This is for grants of £1000 or less.
The Arts Centre in Stamford is not closing.
Photo I.D will be a requirement at Polling Stations. More information will be sent directly to the
parishioners. Postal votes will not be affected.
Applications for Coronation road closures need to be applied for by 31st March 2023.
4.2 Recreation ground. Invoice expected for grass cutting via email.
4.3 Phone Kiosk. In order. Nothing to report
4.4 Highways. Cllr Vernon encourages all residents to contact ‘fix my street’ with reference to any
Highway issues.
4.5 Defibrillator. Working and all in order.
5.0 Other Agenda Items
5.1 The Beacon. John Gregory has agreed to prepare and repaint the Beacon.
5.2 Litter & Fly tipping. Costings for regular litter picking between the A151 junction and the
rail bridge have been received. It was agreed that no spending will happen until the
elections/re- elections of the councillors has taken place. Litter picking is to be discussed at the next PC
5.3 Application for Asset of Community Value status for the Royal Oak.
The ACV nomination has been filed with SKDC. The owners of the Royal Oak have been
independently notified.
5.4 Village Sign. The timber oak post is rotten. A decision was unanimously made to have the sign
removed immediately to prevent any danger to the public. An estimate from Nick Kaye to
replace the oak post and reinstate the sign has been received.
5.5 The Coronation. Cllr Cusdin has organised a committee to arrange a Family lunch picnic on the
recreational ground, Sunday 7th May between 12-4pm. The Village Hall will be available should
we have poor weather. Families are to provide their own food, chairs and tables. Catering will
not be provided.
The commemorative mug will be presented at 3pm to all children of 16 years and under in the
Entertainment will be provided with live music. 12.30 – 2.15pm
A D.J. 2.15 - 4pm
Childrens entertainment will be provided for the full duration of the afternoon.
Invitations will be circulated closer to the event.
Councillor Holden proposed that the Parish Council should agree to be underwriters of £250 for
the event should funding not be available from elsewhere. This was seconded by Cllr Geeson
and agreed unanimously. A grant application has been applied for to cover the cost of the event.
6.0 Financial Matters
6.1 Financial report: position at bank report received.
Cheques signed for Chris Hatch (£220. Clerks wages), Alison Reichelt (£152. Clerks wages)
and Jenny Geeson (£188.73 Reimbursement for Coronation mugs)
7.0 Planning applications-
S23/0431 Mr Coleman Proposed porch extension no objections
8.0 Correspondence
8.6 St Nicholas Church Grant application to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting
8.7 Grass cutting grant. Letter of Agreement – Grant contribution towards grass cutting for the
9.0 Items of Urgency for discussion.
10.0 Date of next Meeting and the Annual Open Meeting. Tuesday May 23rd. 7.30pm