February 2023

Cllrs: Mr D Metcalfe (Chairman) Mr K Holden (Vice Chairman)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs W Peat, Ms M Johnson, Mr A Cusdin, Clerk: Mrs A Reichelt. Telephone: 073959 26160 Email: swayfieldparish@gmail.com
Draft Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 14th February 2022 7.30pm
1.0 Apologies for Absence Cllr Johnson, Cllr Green, Charlotte Vernon, Nick Robins
2.0 To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None.
3.0 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 8th November 2022 to be approved as the Minutes. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
3.1 Matters Arising Precept application of £2700 received by SKDC
Mobile phone number held by A Reichelt will be attached to the letterhead and will be placed in the Parish notice board. A total of 2 hours of business per week to be decided by A Reichelt for the phone. All calls received will be logged.
Designation of Councillor roles to be decided after elections
4.0 Councillors’andClerk’sreports:
4.1 County and District Councillors Reports. Nothing received during the meeting.
4.2 Recreation ground. Awaiting the contract for grass cutting. Invoices are Outstanding for 2022
grass cutting. Some protective plastic caps are missing. Contact supplier for replacements. Cllr Holden will replace. Cllr Geeson shared an email from Amanda Jenkins re:applying for another Community Wildlife Grant. She is prepared to make the application as well as managing the area. In addition she would like to propose a wider survey of verged and other areas to create a more comprehensive nature Network. This would require the services of a botanist and grants are available for this as for previous surveys. It was agreed that the pc would support Amanda’s efforts and possibly provide assistance if a formal grant application was made to the council.
4.3 Phone Kiosk. In order. Nothing to report
4.4 Highways. Progress of Pingle Lane Definative Map Map Modification Order Application.
Councillors have not been given an up-date on the application. A member of the public, Chris Benn said he believes the application currently stands at 150 out of 330 applications and may take years to progress.
4.5 Defibrillator. Working and all in order.
5.0 OtherAgendaItems
5.1 The Beacon. It will not be lit for the King’s Coronation. John Gregory agreed to to look at re- painting and advise the pc.
5.2 Litter & Fly tipping. Fly tipping has been removed.
Cllr Geeson suggested we research the cost of litter picking between the A151 junction and rail bridge. It was agreed we should write to Colsterworth pc re: costs of regular litter pickers in nearby villages.
5.3 Application for Asset of Community Value status for the Royal Oak.
Cllr Holden said that he has been informed that Denise is not intending to renew the lease
and it has been advertised for assignment. Cllr Holden said he was also told that the owners intend to continue letting the Royal Oak, however there is a concern that the Royal Oak will close, which he believed would be very detrimental to the village. Cllr Holden proposed that the pc should apply for Asset of Community Value (ACV) status for the Royal Oak, which forms part of the Government Community Right to Bid and would give the community an opportunity to raise funds for the purchase of the Asset should it be put up for sale in the period. The proposal was unanimously agreed.
  website: https://swayfield.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
5.4 The Coronation. Cllr Cusdin to liaise with the village hall committee with reference to
celebrations and plans.
Cllr Geeson proposed commemorative mugs to be given to all children up to the age of 18 in the village to celebrate the occasion. Costings to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. Cllr Geeson and Cllr Peat to collate the list of all eligible children.
6.0 Financial Matters
6.1 Financial report: position at bank report received. Received an invoice from Chris Hatch of £220. A cheque will be sent. No invoice for grass cutting as previously discussed. A letter will be sent to our groundsman. Recent Bank charges appear significantly higher. Cllr Metcalfe to look at additional signatories cheques and possible alternative banking.
8.0 Planning applications-
8.1 P M Bradley Farms Ltd Construction of 1 new dwelling adjacent to 19 Corby Road S23/0116 – No objections
Cllr Metcalfe was informed by Mr Frere-Cook that no yellow notice had been posted. Cllr Metcalfe confirmed that this is no longer a requirement.
8.2 Miss C Ryan Erection of rear Extension S22/2286 – No objections
8.3 J&J Gregory Fell beech tree 37 High Street S22/2108 – No objections
Planning Decisions:-
8.4 Mr & Mrs N Greenfield Single Storey Extension S22/1785 – Approved
8.5 TPO Case Officer Hannah Noutch TPO Land at Corby Road T22/0005/TTPC1 – Authorised
• A member of the public Mr Benn said that affected residents were not consulted prior to
the TPO application being approved. He said that he was dissatisfied with Cllr Robins
responses to his questions.
• Mr Benn asked if the pc was made aware of concerns regarding Pingle lane prior to the
TPO being approved.
• Cllr Metcalfe said that the parish council was not notified in advance of the TPO
• Mr Benn asked if the pc would lobby SKDC to have the TPO on Pingle lane reduced in
scope to individual trees or removed completely.
• Cllr Metcalfe confirmed that SKDC is compiling a report of all the feedback from those
concerned that will be forwarded to Development Manager or Assistant Director to Planning for consideration. SKDC have confirmed that it is common practice for TPO’s to be served without prior consultation.
• Mr Benn said that he was intending to complain about FOI responses from SKDC-
8.6 Mr C Benn Removal of dead wood S22/2328- Approved
8.7 George Gaduzo Rear extension 5 Corby Road S22/2056 – Approved
9.0 Correspondence
9.1 Coronation risk assessment form. Cllr Cusdin will manage this.
9.2 Information on Asda Community Grants will be forwarded by Cllr Geeson to Amanda.
9.3 Election timetable May 4th. Nomination packs are being collected by Cllr Metcalfe and A.
Reichelt on February 27th.
Election timetable will be contained in the nomination packs. These will be distributed.
10.0Items of Urgency for discussion. Cllr Cusdin has notice rotting of the village signpost on the triangle of Corby Rd, High Street. Cllr Holden to check and advise next meeting.
11.0Date of next Meeting. Tuesday March 21st. 7.30pm
website: https://swayfield.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/