July 2022
Cllrs: Mr D Metcalfe (Vice Chair)
Mrs J Geeson, Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email: swayfieldpc@outlook.com
Minutes of Swayfield PC Meeting 12th July 2022 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
1.0 Public Forum (15 minutes maximum) Four members of the public attended. One resident raised the issue of overgrown hedges on the High Street opposite the recreation ground, the resident felt the hedge was encroaching on the highway and causing an obstruction. The resident also raised the question of the local quarry at Creeton, what benefit are the lorries to the village. LCC Cllr Vernon said she would look into the issue; she also mentioned a consultation paper that residents can complete on line. She will forward the link to the Clerk for future circulation. Another issue raised was the poor condition of two seats in the Village, Cllr Holden and Cllr Metcalfe to investigate.
Another resident asked why planning application are not advertised on the Agenda giving concerned residents the opportunity to attend the PC meeting and express their concerns. He suggested the Clerk should speak with the PC regulatory body for advice.
2.0 Appointment of Chairman and of Vice Chairman. After discussion, the Councillors agreed that none would like to take a permanent position of Chairman, rather elect a chairman for each meeting on rotation. This was agreed, Cllr Metcalfe offered his services as Chairman for the July meeting.
Cllr Metcalfe said he was happy to continue as Vice Chairman, this was Proposed by Cllr Holden and Seconded by Cllr Geeson and agreed unanimously.
- Apologies for Absence. Apologies we’re received from Cllr Green and Cllr Johnson.
- To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. – personal or prejudicial interest in any items for discussion. None
5.0 Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th May 2022 to be approved as the Minutes. The minutes were accepted unanimously.
5.1 Matters Arising. The Clerk advised of an error regarding the date of the July PC meeting, this appeared in the minutes as the 5th of July, this should have been the 12th of July, the Clerk apologised for any inconvenience caused.
6.0 Councillors’ and Clerk’s reports:
6.1 County and District Councillors’ Reports. LCC Cllr Vernon attended the meeting and provided an interesting update from LCC, a paresis of which is below.
Tree Planting
Lincolnshire want to see 750,000 trees planted around the county over the next few years.To keep track of the progress, we’ve installed a tree counter on our website. We also have a map so you can see where in Lincolnshire trees have all been planted so far.If you plant a tree in your garden or on your land that you control, you can register it on the tree counter and it have it count towards the county’s tree planting target. Register your trees on the tracker now. Visit: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/green-masterplan/lincolnshire-climate-summit/2. Any trees planted within Lincolnshire over the last 12 months can be registered and added to the total. If you have a site that would be suitable to plant 300 or more trees and are interested in looking at tree planting options, then please register your interest on our website at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/744 or contact us on sustainability@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
Electric Vehicle Charging Point Plan
Five local authorities, led by Lincolnshire County Council and Midlands Connect, have submitted a joint bid for £935,355 Government funding as part of the Government’s Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Pilot which would deliver an extra 101 standard and 8 rapid charging points across Lincolnshire
Updating the Minerals and Waste Local Plan
Lincolnshire County Council has begun the process of updating the statutory Minerals and Waste Local Plan which is used by developers when putting forward proposals, and by the council when dealing with planning applications.
Collection amnesty for unwanted medical equipment extended across recycling centres
If you have any unwanted medical equipment, the pandemic has meant there is a shortage of equipment such as perching stools, bed sticks and commodes, as well as smaller items like crutches or rollators. These can now be taken to Grantham Recycling Centre to be given to the NHS and reused.
Grantham Bid for Great British Railways HQ
There has not been an official press release from Lincolnshire yet, but it is being reported in the national press that unfortunately, Grantham is not one of the 6 locations that have been shortlisted for consideration.
Fixmystreet – Please do continue to report concerns regarding potholes, or damage to the roads via this website.
6.2 Recreation ground. The grass has been recently cut and looks very tidy, Cllr Roberts said the PC needs to maintain the new equipment and set up a maintenance schedule.
6.3 Phone kiosk. In the absence of Cllr Johnson, the Councillors all agreed the Kiosk was being well used and kept tidy.
6.4 Highways: In the absence of Cllr Green, the Clerk read an email confirming repair to Water Lane are scheduled but no date yet given. Corby Road approach to the railway bridge, a temporary ramp is in place but work not completed, this needs to be re-reported. There have been a number of comments regarding speeding vehicles, but no one has spoken directly with the PC, further discussion is required. Finally, general comments have been made about the footpaths being overgrown on Farmland, hopefully this will be resolved after the harvest.
Clerk to circulate Gadston brochure and price list to all Councillors highlighting the cost and style of speed reduction gates. Cllr Geeson mentioned cars parked on the pavement. Cllr Robins said it is an obstruction. A Newsletter will be sent to all residents highlighting this and other issues.
6.5 Defibrillator. All in good working order.
7.0 Financial Matters
7.1 Annual Governance Statement: The Clerk presented the AGAR forms for the 2021/22 period, these were accepted and signed at the end of the meeting.
7.2 Financial report: position at bank. This was presented and accepted. The A/C to date can be viewed at the end of the minutes.
7.3 Cheques to be signed: Clerks Salary & Expenses £211.14, BHIB renewal £338.95, Build Base £13.86. These were agreed. The Clerk requested two more Councillors become signatories for the bank a/c making a total of three. Cllrs Holden and Metcalfe agreed to become signatories.
8.0 Planning applications –
All planning applications received since the last meetings had been circulated and because of the timings for the return of comments aggregated email views of the Parish Council had been sent.
9.0 Correspondence – An email had been received from a resident supporting Mr & Mrs Mills fence application. Also, an email from a parishioner queried the wording of the Chairman’s Annual Report of May 2022.
Councillor Holden responded:
Where the report stated that “The Definitive Map Modification Order Application to have Pingle Lane re-established as a footpath” in paragraph 4 of the section on highways, it should have read “to confirm Pingle Lane as a public right of way”.
The Clerk presented a Grant application from a resident who with another had organised the events for the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. The application was supported with copies of all the cost incurred, a total of £290.95. The Councillors agreed to support the application but asked the Clerk to first enquire about the legality of a retrospective grant claim.
10.0 Items of urgency for discussion. After discussion, it was agreed, a newsletter will be sent to all residents highlighting social issue such as cars parking on the pavement, speeding vehicles and dog fouling.
Also advertising a vacancy on the Swayfield Parish Council.
It was agreed a letter should be sent to the owner of the overgrown hedge on the High Street and to Highways, to seek clarity on the legality of the hedge.
Cllr Metcalfe asked the Clerk to minute the Parish Council’s thanks to Mr Simon Frere-Cook for his commitment to Swayfield and his time as Chairman of the Parish Council. It was also suggested that a letter of thanks be also sent. Cllr Geeson asked that thanks be recorded to John Gregory for all the work he had done to get the Beacon ready for the Jubilee Celebration. She also mentioned the repainting of it when John is able to do this, to which he agreed.
11.0 Date of next Meeting – Tuesday 13thSeptember 2022.
Website: https://swayfield.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/
YEAR ENDED 31 March 2023 |
Cashbook - Current a/c only |
Date |
Ref |
Detail |
Money Out |
Money In |
Bank Balance |
01/04/2022 |
1 |
Opening Balance |
6,091.72 |
05/04/2022 |
2 |
Precept |
2,200.00 |
8,291.72 |
27/04/2022 |
Bank Charges |
9.90 |
8,281.82 |
27/05/2022 |
Bank Charges |
6.80 |
8,275.02 |
29/06/2022 |
Bank Charges |
6.50 |
8,268.52 |
Total @ 10/07/2022 |
8,268.52 |