Annual Meeting of the Parish Council May 2022
Cllrs: Mr S Frere Cook, Mr D Metcalfe, Mrs J Geeson,
Mr R Green, Mrs A Roberts, Ms M Johnson, Mr K Holden
Clerk: Mr C Hatch. Telephone: 01476 552053 Email:
Draft Minutes of The Annual Meeting of Swayfield PC 10th May 2022 at 7.30pm
- Election of the Chairman. As is mandatory, the Chairman resigned his office. The Clerk invited any Councillors who wished to be candidates for the Chair to say so. However, as three Councillors were unable to attend the meeting the Clerk suggested this item should take place at the July meeting. Cllr Green offered to Chair this meeting, which was agreed unanimously.
2.0 Apologies for Absence; were received from Cllr Metcalfe, Cllr Holden and Cllr Roberts.
3.0 Declarations of Interest in accordance with the 2011 Local Government Act. None.
4.0 To approve the draft minutes of 8th March 2022. These were adopted unanimously.
5.0 Matters Arising. Cllr Frere-Cook asked the Clerk to write again to Harriet Roberts and Daisy Denniss, explaining that the Parish Council welcome their enthusiasm and would like to help. If they can provide the Councillors with additional information, they may be able to qualify for a Parish Grant. The Clerk will respond to that effect.
6.0 Councillors' Reports
6.1 County & District Councillors reports. Neither the County nor the District Councillor were present, However, LCC Cllr Vernon provided an update on County matters as follows; County Council Wide Matters
National Foster Care Fortnight – This starts today and is the perfect time to find out how you could support fostering in your local area and help us to celebrate the Lincolnshire community opening their homes and families to children in care. So, if you think you could make a life-changing difference for these children, or would like to know more, visit You can also get in touch with the Lincolnshire fostering service by calling 01522 554114.
Lincolnshire Spring 2022 County Views Survey – This is now live on the website and is an opportunity to give your views on roads, transport and highways in Lincolnshire. The survey is open until May 9th so please do go online and fill it out.
Lincolnshire County Council Good Citizens Award – Celebrate community champions by nominating them for a Lincolnshire County Council Good Citizens Award. Many of us will have felt or seen the impact they have made over the past two years, and the positive effect their selfless actions have had on our communities. That’s why LCC want to hear from you if you know an unsung hero who deserves a Good Citizens Award. The categories are Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year (aged 21 or below), Community Group of the Year and Couple/Pair of the Year. Link for nominating is on the LCC website. The closing date for entries is Friday 6 May 2022.
Local Childcare Survey - Lincolnshire families are being asked to complete a survey to help gauge demand for childcare places in the county. As part of this process, the council is asking parents to complete a short survey to help the authority assess the need for childcare places across the county. The survey runs from 25 April to 6 May and can be found online at:
Ukrainian refugee Update - Nearly 200 people or families have come forward in Lincolnshire as potential hosts for Ukrainian refugees. The Wellbeing Lincs service can be accessed by Ukrainian arrivals or their host families to provide the advice and support they need, as well as statutory services such as healthcare, education, benefits and council services. Further information available at
Bin Information - Not really CC but something that I really think is important to mention. There was recently a fire in the back of a bin lorry which had been caused by an electrical item placed in a bin that ignited. A quick reminder… please do not put batteries or electrical items in bins.
Fixmystreet – Please do continue to report concerns regarding potholes, or damage to the roads via this website.
6.2 Recreation Ground. Cllr Frere-Cook will speak with Mr Percival, asking him to cut the grass in readiness for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
6.3 Phone kiosk. Cllr Johnson confirmed the Kiosk was clean and well stocked.
6.4 Highways and Footpaths. Cllr Green confirmed Top Dressing of roads in Swayfield had taken place. He also encouraged residents to use the FIX MY STREET app to report issues to Highways.
6.5 Defibrillator, No update was available at this time.
7.0 Annual Governance Statement and Financial matters.
7.1 To Declare Swayfield Exempt from a Limited Assurance Review. The Clerk confirmed, as both income and expenditure are less than £25,000, the PC need only complete the annual exemption certificate. This year as last, the audit and certificate will be completed by Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accountancy.
7.2 Annual Governance Statement.
7.2.1 To approve the AGAR Statement. The Clerk confirmed, the AGAR Statement was not ready for inspection and sign off at this time, but he will forward it to the Councillors as soon as it becomes available.
7.3 Cheques for signing None
8.0. Dates of future meetings.
July 5th, September 6th, November 8th 2022, January 10th and March 14th 2023. All meetings will commence at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
8.0 Planning Applications: None
9.0 Correspondence. None.
10.0 Items of Urgency for Discussion. Cllr Geeson proposed asking if Mr Gregory needed any further help to build the beacon for the Jubilee, also if Mr Tony Spencer and Mrs Betty Scotchmer can be approached and asked if they would light the beacon. Cllr Frere-Cook suggested volunteers be sought to assist with traffic control on the night of the beacon lighting.
Date of next meeting 12th July 7.30pm @ Swayfield Village Hall.